"Am I carrier?" The patient's lived experience of thrombophilia genetic screening and its outcome.

Guendalina Graffigna, Daniela Leone, Elena Vegni
Author Information
  1. Guendalina Graffigna: Faculty of Psychology, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore , Milan , Italy.
  2. Daniela Leone: Department of Health Science, Università degli Studi di Milano , Milan , Italy.
  3. Elena Vegni: Department of Health Science, Università degli Studi di Milano , Milan , Italy.


How do patients with thrombophilia experience a physician's request to undergo a genetic test? How do they experience the test outcome? To answer these questions, we conducted an interpretative phenomenological analysis study, based on 10 in-depth interviews with patients who underwent genetic testing for thrombophilia in Italy, half with positive and half with negative results. The experience of undergoing genetic screening for thrombophilia plays an important role in reconfiguring patients' signification of their illness experience. A positive outcome becomes a cue to reorganize in a more adaptive way the illness meaning at the cognitive and emotive levels, whereas a negative outcome appears more distressing and confusing. As a clinical implication of the study, clinicians should consider communicating carefully with the patients regardless from the positive/negative test results and they should explore the patient's specific reaction and understanding of test result.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0thrombophiliaexperiencegeneticpatientstestillnessoutcomeinterpretativephenomenologicalanalysisstudytestinghalfpositivenegativeresultsscreeningpatient'sphysician'srequestundergotest?outcome?answerquestionsconductedbased10in-depthinterviewsunderwentItalyundergoingplaysimportantrolereconfiguringpatients'significationbecomescuereorganizeadaptivewaymeaningcognitiveemotivelevelswhereasappearsdistressingconfusingclinicalimplicationcliniciansconsidercommunicatingcarefullyregardlesspositive/negativeexplorespecificreactionunderstandingresult"Amcarrier?"livedgeneticshereditarydiseasesperceptionIPAoutcomes

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