Phenotypes and genotypes of macrolide-resistant streptococcus pneumoniae.

Leyla Sirekbasan, Nevriye G��n��ll��, Serhat Sirekbasan, Mert Ku��kucu, Kenan Midilli
Author Information
  1. Leyla Sirekbasan: Department of Microbiology and Clinical Microbiology, Cerrahpa��a Faculty of Medicine, ��stanbul University, ��stanbul, Turkey.
  2. Nevriye G��n��ll��: Department of Microbiology and Clinical Microbiology, Cerrahpa��a Faculty of Medicine, ��stanbul University, ��stanbul, Turkey.
  3. Serhat Sirekbasan: Department of Microbiology and Clinical Microbiology, Cerrahpa��a Faculty of Medicine, ��stanbul University, ��stanbul, Turkey.
  4. Mert Ku��kucu: Department of Microbiology and Clinical Microbiology, Cerrahpa��a Faculty of Medicine, ��stanbul University, ��stanbul, Turkey.
  5. Kenan Midilli: Department of Microbiology and Clinical Microbiology, Cerrahpa��a Faculty of Medicine, ��stanbul University, ��stanbul, Turkey.


BACKGROUND: Macrolide resistance in Streptococcus pneumoniae (S. pneumoniae) is a worldwide problem.
AIMS: The aim of this work was to analyze the phenotypes, genotypes, and clonal relatedness among macrolide-resistant S. pneumoniae strains isolated from various clinical specimens in our hospital.
STUDY DESIGN: Cross-sectional study.
METHODS: 80 non-duplicate S. pneumoniae strains were analyzed by polymerase chain reaction for both the erm (B) and mef (A) genes.
RESULTS: Macrolide resistance was observed in 22.5% (18 strains) of strains. Two (11.2%) isolates possessed mef (A), eight possessed erm (B) (44.4%) and eight strains (44.4%) were positive for both erm (B) and mef (A) genes. Although BOX-PCR of 18 macrolide-resistant strains revealed 11 band patterns, they clustered as seven clones with a genetic distance >10% to each other. Eight isolates possessed both erm (B) and mef (A) genes and belonged to a single clone (44.44% of all macrolide-resistant strains).
CONCLUSION: Increased positivity rates for both resistance genes have also been reported from other hospitals in Turkey, but this is the first study from Turkey showing the clonal dissemination of both resistance genes.



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Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0strainspneumoniaeresistanceermBmefgenesmacrolide-resistantMacrolideSpossessed44Streptococcusgenotypesclonalstudy1811isolateseight4%BOX-PCRTurkeyBACKGROUND:worldwideproblemAIMS:aimworkanalyzephenotypesrelatednessamongisolatedvariousclinicalspecimenshospitalSTUDYDESIGN:Cross-sectionalMETHODS:80non-duplicateanalyzedpolymerasechainreactionRESULTS:observed225%Two2%positiveAlthoughrevealedbandpatternsclusteredsevenclonesgeneticdistance>10%Eightbelongedsingleclone44%CONCLUSION:IncreasedpositivityratesalsoreportedhospitalsfirstshowingdisseminationPhenotypesstreptococcus

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