Effects of insulin degludec and insulin glargine on day-to-day fasting plasma glucose variability in individuals with type 1 diabetes: a multicentre, randomised, crossover study.

Tomoaki Nakamura, Kazuhiko Sakaguchi, Anna So, Shinsuke Nakajima, Michinori Takabe, Hisako Komada, Yoko Okuno, Yushi Hirota, Takehiro Nakamura, Keiji Iida, Michiko Kajikawa, Masao Nagata, Wataru Ogawa, Susumu Seino
Author Information
  1. Tomoaki Nakamura: Division of Diabetes and Endocrinology, Department of Internal Medicine, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine, 7-5-1 Kusunoki-cho, Chuo-ku, Kobe, 650-0017, Japan.


AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: We compared the effects of insulin degludec (IDeg; Des(B30)LysB29(γ-Glu Nε-hexadecandioyl) human insulin) and insulin glargine (IGlar; A21Gly,B31Arg,B32Arg human insulin) on the day-to-day variability of fasting plasma glucose (FPG) levels in individuals with type 1 diabetes treated with basal-bolus insulin injections.
METHODS: The effects of basal-bolus insulin therapy for 4 weeks with either IDeg or IGlar as the basal insulin in adult C-peptide-negative outpatients with type 1 diabetes were investigated in an open-label, multicentre, randomised, crossover trial. Randomisation was conducted using a centralised allocation process. The primary endpoints were the SD and CV of FPG during the final week of each treatment period. Secondary endpoints included serum glycoalbumin level, daily dose of insulin, intraday glycaemic variability and frequency of severe hypoglycaemia.
RESULTS: Thirty-six randomised participants (17 in the IDeg/IGlar and 19 in the IGlar/IDeg groups) were recruited, and data for 32 participants who completed the trial were analysed. The mean (7.74 ± 1.76 vs 8.56 ± 2.06 mmol/l; p = 0.04) and SD (2.60 ± 0.97 vs 3.19 ± 1.36 mmol/l; p = 0.03) of FPG were lower during IDeg treatment than during IGlar treatment, whereas the CV did not differ between the two treatments. The dose of IDeg was smaller than that of IGlar (11.0 ± 5.2 vs 11.8 ± 5.6 U/day; p < 0.01), but other secondary endpoints did not differ between the treatments.
CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: IDeg yielded a lower FPG level and smaller day-to-day variability of FPG at a lower daily dose compared with IGlar in participants with type 1 diabetes. IDeg serves as a good option for basal insulin in the treatment of type 1 diabetes.
TRIAL REGISTRATION: University Hospital Medical Information Network 000009965.
FUNDING: This research recieved no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors.


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MeSH Term

Blood Glucose
Cross-Over Studies
Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1
Glycated Hemoglobin
Hypoglycemic Agents
Insulin Glargine
Insulin Secretion
Insulin, Long-Acting
Insulin, Regular, Human
Middle Aged
Reproducibility of Results


Blood Glucose
Glycated Hemoglobin A
Hypoglycemic Agents
Insulin, Long-Acting
Insulin, Regular, Human
hemoglobin A1c protein, human
Insulin Glargine
insulin degludec

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0insulinIDegIGlarFPGtype1variabilitydiabetestreatmentday-to-dayrandomisedendpointsdoseparticipantsvslowercomparedeffectsdegludechumanglarginefastingplasmaglucoseindividualsbasal-bolusbasalmulticentrecrossovertrialSDCVleveldailymmol/lp = 02differtreatmentssmaller11AIMS/HYPOTHESIS:DesB30LysB29γ-GluNε-hexadecandioylA21GlyB31ArgB32ArglevelstreatedinjectionsMETHODS:therapy4weekseitheradultC-peptide-negativeoutpatientsinvestigatedopen-labelRandomisationconductedusingcentralisedallocationprocessprimaryfinalweekperiodSecondaryincludedserumglycoalbuminintradayglycaemicfrequencyseverehypoglycaemiaRESULTS:Thirty-six17IDeg/IGlar19IGlar/IDeggroupsrecruiteddata32completedanalysedmean774 ± 176856 ± 2060460 ± 097319 ± 13603whereastwo0 ± 58 ± 56U/dayp < 001secondaryCONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION:yieldedservesgoodoptionTRIALREGISTRATION:UniversityHospitalMedicalInformationNetwork000009965FUNDING:researchrecievedspecificgrantfundingagencypubliccommercialnot-for-profitsectorsEffectsdiabetes:study

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