Impact of neonatal intensive care bed configuration on rates of late-onset bacterial sepsis and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus colonization.

Samuel Julian, Carey-Ann D Burnham, Patricia Sellenriek, William D Shannon, Aaron Hamvas, Phillip I Tarr, Barbara B Warner
Author Information
  1. Samuel Julian: 1Department of Pediatrics,Washington University School of Medicine,St. Louis,Missouri.
  2. Carey-Ann D Burnham: 2Departments of Pathology & Immunology and Pediatrics,Washington University School of Medicine,St. Louis,Missouri.
  3. Patricia Sellenriek: 3St. Louis Children's Hospital,St. Louis,Missouri.
  4. William D Shannon: 4Department of Internal Medicine,Washington University School of Medicine,St. Louis,Missouri.
  5. Aaron Hamvas: 5Department of Pediatrics,Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine,Chicago,Illinois.
  6. Phillip I Tarr: 1Department of Pediatrics,Washington University School of Medicine,St. Louis,Missouri.
  7. Barbara B Warner: 1Department of Pediatrics,Washington University School of Medicine,St. Louis,Missouri.


BACKGROUND: Infections cause morbidity and mortality in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs). The association between nursery design and nosocomial infections is unclear.
OBJECTIVE: To determine whether rates of colonization by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), late-onset sepsis, and mortality are reduced in single-patient rooms. DESIGN Retrospective cohort study.
SETTING: NICU in a tertiary referral center.
METHODS: Our NICU is organized into single-patient and open-unit rooms. Clinical data sets including bed location and microbiology results were examined over 29 months. Differences in outcomes between bed configurations were determined by χ2 and Cox regression.
PATIENTS: All NICU patients.
RESULTS: Among 1,823 patients representing 55,166 patient-days, single-patient and open-unit models had similar incidences of MRSA colonization and MRSA colonization-free survival times. Average daily census was associated with MRSA colonization rates only in single-patient rooms (hazard ratio, 1.31; P=.039), whereas hand hygiene compliance on room entry and exit was associated with lower colonization rates independent of bed configuration (hazard ratios, 0.834 and 0.719 per 1% higher compliance, respectively). Late-onset sepsis rates were similar in single-patient and open-unit models as were sepsis-free survival and the combined outcome of sepsis or death. After controlling for demographic, clinical, and unit-based variables, multivariate Cox regression demonstrated that bed configuration had no effect on MRSA colonization, late-onset sepsis, or mortality.
CONCLUSIONS: MRSA colonization rate was impacted by hand hygiene compliance, regardless of room configuration, whereas average daily census affected only infants in single-patient rooms. Single-patient rooms did not reduce the rates of MRSA colonization, late-onset sepsis, or death.


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  1. UH3 AI083265/NIAID NIH HHS

MeSH Term

Cross Infection
Infant, Newborn
Infection Control
Intensive Care Units, Neonatal
Intensive Care, Neonatal
Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus
Outcome Assessment, Health Care
Patients' Rooms
Proportional Hazards Models
Retrospective Studies
Staphylococcal Infections

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0colonizationMRSAratessepsissingle-patientroomsbedlate-onsetconfigurationmortalityNICUopen-unitcomplianceneonatalintensivecaremethicillin-resistantStaphylococcusaureusCoxregressionpatients1modelssimilarsurvivaldailycensusassociatedhazardwhereashandhygieneroom0deathBACKGROUND:InfectionscausemorbidityunitsNICUsassociationnurserydesignnosocomialinfectionsunclearOBJECTIVE:determinewhetherreducedDESIGNRetrospectivecohortstudySETTING:tertiaryreferralcenterMETHODS:organizedClinicaldatasetsincludinglocationmicrobiologyresultsexamined29monthsDifferencesoutcomesconfigurationsdeterminedχ2PATIENTS:RESULTS:Among823representing55166patient-daysincidencescolonization-freetimesAverageratio31P=039entryexitlowerindependentratios834719per1%higherrespectivelyLate-onsetsepsis-freecombinedoutcomecontrollingdemographicclinicalunit-basedvariablesmultivariatedemonstratedeffectCONCLUSIONS:rateimpactedregardlessaverageaffectedinfantsSingle-patientreduceImpactbacterial

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