Potentially Harmful Therapy and Multicultural Counseling: Bridging Two Disciplinary Discourses.

Dennis C Wendt, Joseph P Gone, Donna K Nagata
Author Information
  1. Dennis C Wendt: Department of Psychology, University of Michigan.
  2. Joseph P Gone: Department of Psychology, University of Michigan.
  3. Donna K Nagata: Department of Psychology, University of Michigan.


In recent years psychologists have been increasingly concerned about potentially harmful therapy, yet this recent discourse has not addressed issues that have long been voiced by the multicultural counseling and psychotherapy movement. We aim to begin to bring these seemingly disparate discourses of harm into greater conversation with one another, in the service of placing the discipline on a firmer foothold in its considerations of potentially harmful therapy. After reviewing the two discourses and exploring reasons for their divergence, we argue that they operate according to differing assumptions pertaining to the sources, objects, and scope of harm. We then argue that these differences reveal the discipline's need to better appreciate that harm is a social construct, that psychotherapy may be inherently ethnocentric, and that strategies for collecting evidence of harm should be integrated with a social justice agenda.



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  1. T32 DA007267/NIDA NIH HHS

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0harmpsychotherapysocialrecentpotentiallyharmfultherapydiscoursesarguejusticeyearspsychologistsincreasinglyconcernedyetdiscourseaddressedissueslongvoicedmulticulturalcounselingmovementaimbeginbringseeminglydisparategreaterconversationoneanotherserviceplacingdisciplinefirmerfootholdconsiderationsreviewingtwoexploringreasonsdivergenceoperateaccordingdifferingassumptionspertainingsourcesobjectsscopedifferencesrevealdiscipline'sneedbetterappreciateconstructmayinherentlyethnocentricstrategiescollectingevidenceintegratedagendaPotentiallyHarmfulTherapyMulticulturalCounseling:BridgingTwoDisciplinaryDiscoursesethicsmulticulturalismrace/ethnicity

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