Stress and alcohol use in rural Chinese residents: A moderated mediation model examining the roles of resilience and negative emotions.

Yan Wang, Xinguang Chen
Author Information
  1. Yan Wang: University of Florida, Gainesville, USA. Electronic address:
  2. Xinguang Chen: University of Florida, Gainesville, USA; Wuhan Center for Disease Prevention and Control, Wuhan, China.


OBJECTIVE: Little research has been done on alcohol use and dependence among rural residents in China, a sub-population that might be under increased stress due to the rapid modernization and urbanization processes. We aimed to assess rural residents' levels of stress, negative emotions, resilience, alcohol use/dependence and the complex relationships among them.
METHODS: Survey data from a large random sample (n=1145, mean age=35.9, SD=7.7, 50.7% male) of rural residents in Wuhan, China were collected using Audio Computer-Assisted Self-Interview.
RESULTS: The sample had high prevalence of frequently perceived stress (47%) and high prevalence of ever (54.4%), past 30-day (40.4%), and binge drinking (13.8%). Approximately 11% met the criterion for intermediate to severe alcohol dependence. Mediation analysis indicated that the association between perceived stress (predictor) and alcohol dependence (outcome) was fully mediated by anxiety (indirect effect=.203, p<.01) and depression (indict effect=.158, p<.05); moderation analysis indicated that association between stress and two negative emotions (mediators) was significantly modified by resilience (moderator); an integrative moderated mediation analysis indicated that the indirect effect from stress to alcohol dependence through negative emotions was also moderated by resilience.
CONCLUSIONS: Negative emotions play a key role in bridging stress and alcohol dependence, while resilience significantly buffers the impact of stress on depression, reducing the risk of alcohol dependence. Resilience training may be an effective component for alcohol intervention in rural China.



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  1. R01 MH086322/NIMH NIH HHS

MeSH Term

Alcohol Drinking
Middle Aged
Models, Psychological
Resilience, Psychological
Rural Population
Stress, Psychological
Surveys and Questionnaires
Young Adult

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0alcoholstressdependenceemotionsruralresilienceChinanegativeanalysisindicatedmoderateduseamongresidentssamplehighprevalenceperceived4%associationindirecteffect=p<depressionmoderationsignificantlymediationNegativeResilienceOBJECTIVE:Littleresearchdonesub-populationmightincreasedduerapidmodernizationurbanizationprocessesaimedassessresidents'levelsuse/dependencecomplexrelationshipsthemMETHODS:Surveydatalargerandomn=1145meanage=359SD=77507%maleWuhancollectedusingAudioComputer-AssistedSelf-InterviewRESULTS:frequently47%ever54past30-day40bingedrinking138%Approximately11%metcriterionintermediatesevereMediationpredictoroutcomefullymediatedanxiety20301indict15805twomediatorsmodifiedmoderatorintegrativeeffectalsoCONCLUSIONS:playkeyrolebridgingbuffersimpactreducingrisktrainingmayeffectivecomponentinterventionStressChineseresidents:modelexaminingrolesAlcoholMediatedRural

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