If You Are Not Counted, You Don't Count: Estimating the Number of African-American Men Who Have Sex with Men in San Francisco Using a Novel Bayesian Approach.

Paul Wesson, Mark S Handcock, Willi McFarland, H Fisher Raymond
Author Information
  1. Paul Wesson: University of California, Berkeley, 101 Haviland Hall, Berkeley, CA, 94720-7358, USA. paul.wesson@berkeley.edu.
  2. Mark S Handcock: University of California, Los Angeles, 8125 Mathematical Sciences Building, Los Angeles, CA, 90095-1554, USA.
  3. Willi McFarland: San Francisco Department of Public Health, 25 Van Ness Ave, Suite 500, San Francisco, CA, 94102, USA.
  4. H Fisher Raymond: San Francisco Department of Public Health, 25 Van Ness Ave, Suite 500, San Francisco, CA, 94102, USA.


African-American men who have sex with men (AA MSM) have been disproportionately infected with and affected by HIV and other STIs in San Francisco and the USA. The true scope and scale of the HIV epidemic in this population has not been quantified, in part because the size of this population remains unknown. We used the successive sampling population size estimation (SS-PSE) method, a new Bayesian approach to population size estimation that incorporates network size data routinely collected in respondent-driven sampling (RDS) studies, to estimate the number of AA MSM in San Francisco. This method was applied to data from a 2009 RDS study of AA MSM. An estimate from a separate study of local AA MSM was used to model the prior distribution of the population size. Two-hundred and fifty-six AA MSM were included in the RDS survey. The estimated population size was 4917 (95% CI 1267-28,771), using a flat prior estimated 1882 (95% CI 919-2463) as a lower acceptable bound, and a large prior estimated 6762 (95% CI 1994-13,863) as an acceptable upper bound. Point estimates from the SS-PSE were consistent with estimates from multiplier methods using external data. The SS-PSE method is easily integrated into RDS studies and therefore provides a simple and appealing tool to rapidly produce estimates of the size of key populations otherwise difficult to reach and enumerate.



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  1. R21 HD063000/NICHD NIH HHS
  2. R21 HD075714/NICHD NIH HHS
  3. R24 HD041022/NICHD NIH HHS
  4. T32 MH019105/NIMH NIH HHS

MeSH Term

Black or African American
Age Factors
Bayes Theorem
HIV Infections
Homosexuality, Male
Middle Aged
Sampling Studies
San Francisco
Sexual Behavior
Socioeconomic Factors
Young Adult

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0sizepopulationAAMSMRDSAfrican-AmericanmenSanFranciscosamplingestimationSS-PSEmethoddatapriorestimated95%CIestimatesMensexHIVusedBayesianstudiesestimatestudyusingacceptablebounddisproportionatelyinfectedaffectedSTIsUSAtruescopescaleepidemicquantifiedpartremainsunknownsuccessivenewapproachincorporatesnetworkroutinelycollectedrespondent-drivennumberapplied2009separatelocalmodeldistributionTwo-hundredfifty-sixincludedsurvey49171267-28771flat1882919-2463lowerlarge67621994-13863upperPointconsistentmultipliermethodsexternaleasilyintegratedthereforeprovidessimpleappealingtoolrapidlyproducekeypopulationsotherwisedifficultreachenumerateCountedCount:EstimatingNumberSexUsingNovelApproachHIV/AIDSPopulationRespondent-driven

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