Control of Cowpea Weevil, Callosobruchus Maculatus (F.) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae), Using Natural Plant Products.

Bamphitlhi Tiroesele, Kesegofetse Thomas, Seipati Seketeme
Author Information
  1. Bamphitlhi Tiroesele: Department of Crop Science and Production, Botswana College of Agriculture, Private Bag 0027, Gaborone, Botswana.
  2. Kesegofetse Thomas: Department of Crop Science and Production, Botswana College of Agriculture, Private Bag 0027, Gaborone, Botswana.
  3. Seipati Seketeme: Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Research, Private Bag 0033, Gaborone, Botswana.


A laboratory study was conducted to investigate the effects of natural products on the reproduction and damage of Callosobruchus maculatus, the cowpea weevil, on cowpea seeds at Botswana College of Agriculture in Gaborone, Botswana. The cowpea variety Blackeye was used in the study. Fifty grams of each plant product (garlic, peppermint and chilies) was added to 500 g of the cowpea seeds. Findings of this experiment revealed that chilies and garlic had negative effects on cowpea weevils for all parameters measured. Peppermint also showed significant reduction in the F₁ progeny of the cowpea weevils but with less effect on weevils than garlic and chilies. The results indicate that these plant products have the potential to protect cowpea seeds from cowpea weevils' damage compared to when the seeds are left or stored unprotected. They should, therefore, be included in pest management strategies for cowpea weevil in grains stored on-farm in rural tropical and subtropical regions.



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Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0cowpeaseedsweevilsgarlicchiliesstudyeffectsproductsdamageCallosobruchusweevilBotswanaplantstoredmanagementlaboratoryconductedinvestigatenaturalreproductionmaculatusCollegeAgricultureGaboronevarietyBlackeyeusedFiftygramsproductpeppermintadded500gFindingsexperimentrevealednegativeparametersmeasuredPeppermintalsoshowedsignificantreductionF₁progenylesseffectresultsindicatepotentialprotectweevils'comparedleftunprotectedthereforeincludedpeststrategiesgrainson-farmruraltropicalsubtropicalregionsControlCowpeaWeevilMaculatusFColeoptera:BruchidaeUsingNaturalPlantProductscowpeasinfestation

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