Moderated mediation analysis: An illustration using the association of gender with delinquency and mental health.

Jeremy N V Miles, Magdalena Kulesza, Brett Ewing, Regina A Shih, Joan S Tucker, Elizabeth J D'Amico
Author Information
  1. Jeremy N V Miles: Department: RAND Health, University/Institution: RAND Corporation, Town/City: Santa Monica, State (US only): CA, Country: U.S.
  2. Magdalena Kulesza: Department: RAND Health, University/Institution: RAND Corporation, Town/City: Santa Monica, State (US only): CA, Country: U.S.
  3. Brett Ewing: Department: RAND Health, University/Institution: RAND Corporation, Town/City: Santa Monica, State (US only): CA, Country: U.S.
  4. Regina A Shih: Department: RAND Health, University/Institution: RAND Corporation, Town/City: Santa Monica, State (US only): CA, Country: U.S.
  5. Joan S Tucker: Department: RAND Health, University/Institution: RAND Corporation, Town/City: Santa Monica, State (US only): CA, Country: U.S.
  6. Elizabeth J D'Amico: Department: RAND Health, University/Institution: RAND Corporation, Town/City: Santa Monica, State (US only): CA, Country: U.S.


PURPOSE: When researchers find an association between two variables, it is useful to evaluate the role of other constructs in this association. While assessing these mediation effects, it is important to determine if results are equal for different groups. It is possible that the strength of a mediation effect may differ for males and females, for example - such an effect is known as moderated mediation.
DESIGN: Participants were 2532 adolescents from diverse ethnic/racial backgrounds and equally distributed across gender. The goal of this study was to investigate parental respect as a potential mediator of the relationship between gender and delinquency and mental health, and to determine whether observed mediation is moderated by gender.
FINDINGS: Parental respect mediated the association between gender and both delinquency and mental health. Specifically, parental respect was a protective factor against delinquency and mental health problems for both females and males.
PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Demonstrated the process of estimating models in Lavaan, using two approaches (i.e. single group regression and multiple group regression model), and including covariates in both models.



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  1. R01 AA016577/NIAAA NIH HHS
  2. R01 AA020883/NIAAA NIH HHS

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0mediationgenderdelinquencymentalhealthassociationrespecttwodetermineeffectmalesfemalesmoderatedparentalmodelsusinggroupregressionPURPOSE:researchersfindvariablesusefulevaluateroleconstructsassessingeffectsimportantresultsequaldifferentgroupspossiblestrengthmaydifferexample-knownDESIGN:Participants2532adolescentsdiverseethnic/racialbackgroundsequallydistributedacrossgoalstudyinvestigatepotentialmediatorrelationshipwhetherobservedFINDINGS:ParentalmediatedSpecificallyprotectivefactorproblemsPRACTICALIMPLICATIONS:DemonstratedprocessestimatingLavaanapproachesiesinglemultiplemodelincludingcovariatesModeratedanalysis:illustrationmoderationstructuralequationmodelling

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