Esculentin-2CHa-Related Peptides Modulate Islet Cell Function and Improve Glucose Tolerance in Mice with Diet-Induced Obesity and Insulin Resistance.

Opeolu O Ojo, Dinesh K Srinivasan, Bosede O Owolabi, Srividya Vasu, J Michael Conlon, Peter R Flatt, Yasser H A Abdel-Wahab
Author Information
  1. Opeolu O Ojo: SAAD Centre for Pharmacy & Diabetes, School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Ulster, Coleraine, BT52 1SA, United Kingdom; School of Sport, Health and Bioscience, University of East London, Stratford, E15 4LZ, United Kingdom.
  2. Dinesh K Srinivasan: SAAD Centre for Pharmacy & Diabetes, School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Ulster, Coleraine, BT52 1SA, United Kingdom.
  3. Bosede O Owolabi: SAAD Centre for Pharmacy & Diabetes, School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Ulster, Coleraine, BT52 1SA, United Kingdom.
  4. Srividya Vasu: SAAD Centre for Pharmacy & Diabetes, School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Ulster, Coleraine, BT52 1SA, United Kingdom.
  5. J Michael Conlon: SAAD Centre for Pharmacy & Diabetes, School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Ulster, Coleraine, BT52 1SA, United Kingdom.
  6. Peter R Flatt: SAAD Centre for Pharmacy & Diabetes, School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Ulster, Coleraine, BT52 1SA, United Kingdom.
  7. Yasser H A Abdel-Wahab: SAAD Centre for Pharmacy & Diabetes, School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Ulster, Coleraine, BT52 1SA, United Kingdom.


The frog skin host-defense peptide esculentin-2CHa (GFSSIFRGVA10KFASKGLGK D20LAKLGVDLVA30CKISKQC) displays antimicrobial, antitumor, and immunomodulatory properties. This study investigated the antidiabetic actions of the peptide and selected analogues. Esculentin-2CHa stimulated insulin secretion from rat BRIN-BD11 clonal pancreatic β-cells at concentrations greater than 0.3 nM without cytotoxicity by a mechanism involving membrane depolarization and increase of intracellular Ca2+. Insulinotropic activity was attenuated by activation of KATP channels, inhibition of voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels and chelation of extracellular Ca2+. The [L21K], [L24K], [D20K, D27K] and [C31S,C37S] analogues were more potent but less effective than esculentin-2CHa whereas the [L28K] and [C31K] analogues were both more potent and produced a significantly (P < 0.001) greater maximum response. Acute administration of [L28K]esculentin-2CHa (75 nmol/kg body weight) to high fat fed mice with obesity and insulin resistance enhanced glucose tolerance and insulin secretion. Twice-daily administration of this dose of [L28K]esculentin-2CHa for 28 days had no significant effect on body weight, food intake, indirect calorimetry or body composition. However, mice exhibited decreased non-fasting plasma glucose (P < 0.05), increased non-fasting plasma insulin (P < 0.05) as well as improved glucose tolerance and insulin secretion (P < 0.01) following both oral and intraperitoneal glucose loads. Impaired responses of isolated islets from high fat fed mice to established insulin secretagogues were restored by [L28K]esculentin-2CHa treatment. Peptide treatment was accompanied by significantly lower plasma and pancreatic glucagon levels and normalization of α-cell mass. Circulating triglyceride concentrations were decreased but plasma cholesterol and LDL concentrations were not significantly affected. The data encourage further investigation of the potential of esculentin-2CHa related peptides for treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes.


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MeSH Term

Antimicrobial Cationic Peptides
Blood Glucose
Diet, High-Fat
Insulin Resistance
Insulin-Secreting Cells


Antimicrobial Cationic Peptides
Blood Glucose
esculentin-2CHa, Lithobates chiricahuensis

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0insulin0P<glucoseplasmaesculentin-2CHaanaloguessecretionconcentrationsCa2+significantly[L28K]esculentin-2CHabodymicetreatmentpeptidepancreaticgreaterchannelspotentadministrationweighthighfatfedtolerancedecreasednon-fasting05frogskinhost-defenseGFSSIFRGVA10KFASKGLGKD20LAKLGVDLVA30CKISKQCdisplaysantimicrobialantitumorimmunomodulatorypropertiesstudyinvestigatedantidiabeticactionsselectedEsculentin-2CHastimulatedratBRIN-BD11clonalβ-cells3nMwithoutcytotoxicitymechanisminvolvingmembranedepolarizationincreaseintracellularInsulinotropicactivityattenuatedactivationKATPinhibitionvoltage-dependentchelationextracellular[L21K][L24K][D20KD27K][C31SC37S]lesseffectivewhereas[L28K][C31K]produced001maximumresponseAcute75nmol/kgobesityresistanceenhancedTwice-dailydose28dayssignificanteffectfoodintakeindirectcalorimetrycompositionHoweverexhibitedincreasedwellimproved01followingoralintraperitonealloadsImpairedresponsesisolatedisletsestablishedsecretagoguesrestoredPeptideaccompaniedlowerglucagonlevelsnormalizationα-cellmassCirculatingtriglyceridecholesterolLDLaffecteddataencourageinvestigationpotentialrelatedpeptidespatientstype2diabetesEsculentin-2CHa-RelatedPeptidesModulateIsletCellFunctionImproveGlucoseToleranceMiceDiet-InducedObesityInsulinResistance

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