VirusTAP: Viral Genome-Targeted Assembly Pipeline.

Akifumi Yamashita, Tsuyoshi Sekizuka, Makoto Kuroda
Author Information
  1. Akifumi Yamashita: Pathogen Genomics Center, National Institute of Infectious Diseases Tokyo, Japan.
  2. Tsuyoshi Sekizuka: Pathogen Genomics Center, National Institute of Infectious Diseases Tokyo, Japan.
  3. Makoto Kuroda: Pathogen Genomics Center, National Institute of Infectious Diseases Tokyo, Japan.


Although next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology provides a comprehensive means with which to identify potential pathogens from clinical specimens, simple and user-friendly bioinformatics pipelines are expected to obtain the entire viral genome sequence, subsequently providing traceability, based on extensive molecular phylogenetic analyses. We have developed a web-based integrated NGS analysis tool for the viral genome (virus genome-targeted assembly pipeline: VirusTAP), which includes extensive sequence subtraction of host- or bacteria-related NGS reads prior to de novo assembly, leading to the prompt and accurate assembly of viral genome sequences from metagenomic NGS reads. The VirusTAP web site is at



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0NGSgenomeviralassemblysequenceextensiveVirusTAPsubtractionreadsdenovowebAlthoughnext-generationsequencingtechnologyprovidescomprehensivemeansidentifypotentialpathogensclinicalspecimenssimpleuser-friendlybioinformaticspipelinesexpectedobtainentiresubsequentlyprovidingtraceabilitybasedmolecularphylogeneticanalysesdevelopedweb-basedintegratedanalysistoolvirusgenome-targetedpipeline:includeshost-bacteria-relatedpriorleadingpromptaccuratesequencesmetagenomicsitehttps://gphniidgojp/cgi-bin/virustap/indexcgi/VirusTAP:ViralGenome-TargetedAssemblyPipelinehostservice

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