Relationships Between Stress, Negative Emotions, Resilience, and Smoking: Testing a Moderated Mediation Model.

Yan Wang, Xinguang Chen, Jie Gong, Yaqiong Yan
Author Information
  1. Yan Wang: a Department of Epidemiology , University of Florida , Gainesville , Florida , USA.
  2. Xinguang Chen: a Department of Epidemiology , University of Florida , Gainesville , Florida , USA.
  3. Jie Gong: b Wuhang CDC , Wuhan , China.
  4. Yaqiong Yan: b Wuhang CDC , Wuhan , China.


OBJECTIVE: More effective tobacco prevention and cessation programs require in-depth understanding of the mechanism by which multiple factors interact with each other to affect smoking behaviors. Stress has long been recognized as a risk factor for smoking. However, the underlying mediation and moderation mechanisms are far from clear. The purpose of this study was to examine the role of negative emotions in mediating the link between stress and smoking and whether this indirect link was modified by resilience.
METHODS: Survey data were collected using audio computer-assisted self-interview (ACASI) from a large random sample of urban residents (n = 1249, mean age = 35.1, 45.3% male) in Wuhan, China. Perceived stress, negative emotions (anxiety, depression), resilience were measured with reliable instruments also validated in China. Self-reported smoking was validated with exhaled carbon monoxide.
RESULTS: Mediation analysis indicated that two negative emotions fully mediated the link between stress and intensity of smoking (assessed by number of cigarettes smoked per day, effect =.082 for anxiety and.083 for depression) and nicotine dependence (assessed by DSM-IV standard, effect =.134 for anxiety and.207 for depression). Moderated mediation analysis demonstrated that the mediation effects of negative emotions were negatively associated with resilience.
CONCLUSIONS: Results suggest resilience interacts with stress and negative emotions to affect the risk of tobacco use and nicotine dependence among Chinese adults. Further research with longitudinal data is needed to verify the findings of this study and to estimate the effect size of resilience in tobacco intervention and cessation programs.



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  1. R01 MH086322/NIMH NIH HHS
  2. UL1 TR001427/NCATS NIH HHS

MeSH Term

Models, Psychological
Resilience, Psychological
Stress, Psychological
Young Adult

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0smokingresiliencenegativeemotionsstressmediation=tobaccolinkanxietydepressioneffectnicotinedependencecessationprogramsaffectStressriskstudydataChinavalidatedMediationanalysisassessedandModeratedOBJECTIVE:effectivepreventionrequirein-depthunderstandingmechanismmultiplefactorsinteractbehaviorslongrecognizedfactorHoweverunderlyingmoderationmechanismsfarclearpurposeexaminerolemediatingwhetherindirectmodifiedMETHODS:Surveycollectedusingaudiocomputer-assistedself-interviewACASIlargerandomsampleurbanresidentsn1249meanage351453%maleWuhanPerceivedmeasuredreliableinstrumentsalsoSelf-reportedexhaledcarbonmonoxideRESULTS:indicatedtwofullymediatedintensitynumbercigarettessmokedperday082083DSM-IVstandard134207demonstratedeffectsnegativelyassociatedCONCLUSIONS:ResultssuggestinteractsuseamongChineseadultsresearchlongitudinalneededverifyfindingsestimatesizeinterventionRelationshipsNegativeEmotionsResilienceSmoking:TestingModelCigarettemoderated

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