Prevalence and Predictors of Bullying Behavior among Overweight and Obese Youth in a Nationally Representative Sample.

Cathleen Odar Stough, Ashley Merianos, Laura Nabors, James Peugh
Author Information
  1. Cathleen Odar Stough: 1 Division of Behavioral Medicine and Clinical Psychology, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center , Cincinnati, OH.
  2. Ashley Merianos: 2 School of Human Services, College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services, University of Cincinnati , Cincinnati, OH.
  3. Laura Nabors: 2 School of Human Services, College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services, University of Cincinnati , Cincinnati, OH.
  4. James Peugh: 1 Division of Behavioral Medicine and Clinical Psychology, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center , Cincinnati, OH.


BACKGROUND: Child and adolescent overweight and obesity are independent risk factors for poor social outcomes. Whether children who are overweight display greater bullying behaviors than normal weight peers, controlling for demographic and other social-ecological factors, was examined. The influence of child (e.g., mental health), family (e.g., income, parent mental health, and exposure to domestic violence), and community (e.g., exposure to neighborhood violence, unfair treatment based on race or ethnic group) factors on bullying risk in the subset of children who are overweight and obese was explored.
METHODS: We conducted a secondary data analysis of the 2011-2012 National Survey of Children's Health, a cross-sectional study providing a nationally representative sample of participants, using a series of multinomial logistic regressions in Mplus software (Muthén & Muthén, Los Angeles, CA). Participants were 41,361 youth ages 10-17 years.
RESULTS: Despite statistically significant differences in unadjusted analyses, no differences were found in bullying behavior by weight status once controlling for other factors. Child, family, and neighborhood factors predicted bullying behavior in both the overall sample and the subset of overweight and obese youth. However, some risk factors were unique to children who were overweight or obese.
CONCLUSIONS: Children who are overweight or obese are not at greater risk for engaging in bullying behavior than normal weight peers. Health professionals targeting bullying behavior should be aware of the impact child, family, and neighborhood factors have on bullying by overweight and obese children and adolescents.

MeSH Term

Child Behavior Disorders
Cross-Sectional Studies
Domestic Violence
Los Angeles
Peer Group
Residence Characteristics
Risk Factors
Social Behavior Disorders
Social Environment
Socioeconomic Factors

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0overweightfactorsbullyingobeseriskchildrenbehaviorweightegfamilyneighborhoodChildgreaternormalpeerscontrollingchildmentalhealthexposureviolencesubsetHealthsampleMuthényouthdifferencesBACKGROUND:adolescentobesityindependentpoorsocialoutcomesWhetherdisplaybehaviorsdemographicsocial-ecologicalexaminedinfluenceincomeparentdomesticcommunityunfairtreatmentbasedraceethnicgroupexploredMETHODS:conductedsecondarydataanalysis2011-2012NationalSurveyChildren'scross-sectionalstudyprovidingnationallyrepresentativeparticipantsusingseriesmultinomiallogisticregressionsMplussoftware&LosAngelesCAParticipants41361ages10-17yearsRESULTS:DespitestatisticallysignificantunadjustedanalysesfoundstatuspredictedoverallHoweveruniqueCONCLUSIONS:ChildrenengagingprofessionalstargetingawareimpactadolescentsPrevalencePredictorsBullyingBehavioramongOverweightObeseYouthNationallyRepresentativeSample

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