Alterations of filopodia by near infrared photoimmunotherapy: evaluation with 3D low-coherent quantitative phase microscopy.

Yuko Nakamura, Tadanobu Nagaya, Kazuhide Sato, Toshiko Harada, Shuhei Okuyama, Peter L Choyke, Toyohiko Yamauchi, Hisataka Kobayashi
Author Information
  1. Yuko Nakamura: Molecular Imaging Program, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, NIH, 10 Center Dr. Bethesda,MD 20892, USA.
  2. Tadanobu Nagaya: Molecular Imaging Program, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, NIH, 10 Center Dr. Bethesda,MD 20892, USA.
  3. Kazuhide Sato: Molecular Imaging Program, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, NIH, 10 Center Dr. Bethesda,MD 20892, USA.
  4. Toshiko Harada: Molecular Imaging Program, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, NIH, 10 Center Dr. Bethesda,MD 20892, USA.
  5. Shuhei Okuyama: Molecular Imaging Program, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, NIH, 10 Center Dr. Bethesda,MD 20892, USA.
  6. Peter L Choyke: Molecular Imaging Program, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, NIH, 10 Center Dr. Bethesda,MD 20892, USA.
  7. Toyohiko Yamauchi: Central Research Laboratory, Hamamatsu Photonics K.K., 5000, Hirakuchi, Hamakita-ku, Hamamatsu 434-8601, Japan.
  8. Hisataka Kobayashi: Molecular Imaging Program, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, NIH, 10 Center Dr. Bethesda,MD 20892, USA.


Filopodia are highly organized cellular membrane structures that facilitate intercellular communication. Near infrared photoimmunotherapy (NIR-PIT) is a newly developed cancer treatment that causes necrotic cell death. Three-dimensional low-coherent quantitative phase microscopy (3D LC-QPM) is based on a newly established low-coherent interference microscope designed to obtain serial topographic images of the cellular membrane. Herein, we report rapid involution of filopodia after NIR-PIT using 3D LC-QPM. For 3T3/HER2 cells, the number of filopodia decreased immediately after treatment with significant differences. Volume and relative height of 3T3/HER2 cells increased immediately after NIR light exposure, but significant differences were not observed. Thus, disappearance of filopodia, evaluated by 3D LC-QPM, is an early indicator of cell membrane damage after NIR-PIT.



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Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.03DfilopodiamembraneNIR-PITlow-coherentLC-QPMcellularinfrarednewlytreatmentcellThree-dimensionalquantitativephasemicroscopy3T3/HER2cellsimmediatelysignificantdifferences110imagingFilopodiahighlyorganizedstructuresfacilitateintercellularcommunicationNearphotoimmunotherapydevelopedcancercausesnecroticdeathbasedestablishedinterferencemicroscopedesignedobtainserialtopographicimagesHereinreportrapidinvolutionusingnumberdecreasedVolumerelativeheightincreasedNIRlightexposureobservedThusdisappearanceevaluatedearlyindicatordamageAlterationsnearphotoimmunotherapy:evaluation6880imageacquisition6915Time1703880Medicalbiological

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