The role of primary care in improving health equity: report of a workshop held by the WONCA Health Equity Special Interest Group at the 2015 WONCA Europe Conference in Istanbul, Turkey.

Ula Jan Chetty, Patrick O'Donnell, David Blane, Sara Willems, World Organization of Family Doctors (WONCA) Special Interest Group on Health Equity
Author Information
  1. Ula Jan Chetty: General Practice and Primary Care, University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK.
  2. Patrick O'Donnell: Graduate Entry Medical School, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland.
  3. David Blane: General Practice and Primary Care, University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK.
  4. Sara Willems: Department of Family Medicine and Primary Health Care, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium.


The WONCA Special Interest Group on Health Equity was established in 2014 to provide a focus of support, education, research and policy on issues relating to promotion of health equity in primary care settings. In keeping with this remit, the group hosted a workshop at the WONCA Europe conference held in Istanbul in October 2015. The aim of the session was to engage practitioners from across Europe in discussion of the barriers and facilitators to addressing the social determinants of health at practice level and in the training of doctors. This commentary reflects on the main findings from this workshop and how these compare with existing work in this field.



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MeSH Term

Attitude of Health Personnel
Congresses as Topic
General Practice
Health Equity
Primary Health Care
Social Conditions
Social Determinants of Health