Lifestyle medicine curriculum for a preventive medicine residency program: implementation and outcomes.

Haq Nawaz, Paul V Petraro, Christina Via, Saif Ullah, Lionel Lim, Dorothea Wild, Mary Kennedy, Edward M Phillips
Author Information
  1. Haq Nawaz: Department of Preventive Medicine, Griffin Hospital, Derby, CT, USA.
  2. Paul V Petraro: Department of Preventive Medicine, Griffin Hospital, Derby, CT, USA.
  3. Christina Via: Department of Preventive Medicine, Griffin Hospital, Derby, CT, USA.
  4. Saif Ullah: Department of Preventive Medicine, Griffin Hospital, Derby, CT, USA.
  5. Lionel Lim: Department of Preventive Medicine, Griffin Hospital, Derby, CT, USA.
  6. Dorothea Wild: Department of Preventive Medicine, Griffin Hospital, Derby, CT, USA.
  7. Mary Kennedy: Institute of Lifestyle Medicine, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Service, VA Boston Healthcare System, Brockton, MA, USA.
  8. Edward M Phillips: Institute of Lifestyle Medicine, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Service, VA Boston Healthcare System, Brockton, MA, USA.


BACKGROUND: The vast majority of the healthcare problems burdening our society today are caused by disease-promoting lifestyles (e.g., physical inactivity and unhealthy eating). Physicians report poor training and lack of confidence in counseling patients on lifestyle changes.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate a new curriculum and rotation in lifestyle medicine for preventive medicine residents.
METHODS: Training included didactics (six sessions/year), distance learning, educational conferences, and newly developed lifestyle medicine rotations at the Institute of Lifestyle Medicine, the Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center, and the Integrative Medicine Center. We used a number of tools to assess residents' progress including Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs), self-assessments, and logs of personal health habits.
RESULTS: A total of 20 residents participated in the lifestyle medicine training between 2010 and 2013. There was a 15% increase in residents' discussions of lifestyle issues with their patients based on their baseline and follow-up surveys. The performance of preventive medicine residents on OSCEs increased each year they were in the program (average OSCE score: PGY1 73%, PGY2 83%, PGY3 87%, and PGY4 91%, p=0.01). Our internal medicine and preliminary residents served as a control, since they did participate in didactics but not in lifestyle medicine rotations. Internal medicine and preliminary residents who completed the same OSCEs had a slightly lower average score (76%) compared with plural for resident, preventive medicine residents (80%). However, this difference did not reach statistical significance (p=0.11).
CONCLUSION: Incorporating the lifestyle medicine curriculum is feasible for preventive medicine training allowing residents to improve their health behavior change discussions with patients as well as their own personal health habits.



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MeSH Term

Clinical Competence
Diet, Healthy
Education, Distance
Internship and Residency
Life Style
Patient-Centered Care
Physical Fitness
Physician's Role
Preventive Medicine
Smoking Cessation
Stress, Psychological

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0medicinelifestyleresidentspreventivetrainingpatientscurriculumOSCEshealthdidacticsrotationsLifestyleMedicineCenterresidents'personalhabitsdiscussionsaveragep=0preliminaryBACKGROUND:vastmajorityhealthcareproblemsburdeningsocietytodaycauseddisease-promotinglifestylesegphysicalinactivityunhealthyeatingPhysiciansreportpoorlackconfidencecounselingchangesOBJECTIVE:evaluatenewrotationMETHODS:Trainingincludedsixsessions/yeardistancelearningeducationalconferencesnewlydevelopedInstituteYale-GriffinPreventionResearchIntegrativeusednumbertoolsassessprogressincludingObjectiveStructuredClinicalExaminationsself-assessmentslogsRESULTS:total20participated2010201315%increaseissuesbasedbaselinefollow-upsurveysperformanceincreasedyearprogramOSCEscore:PGY173%PGY283%PGY387%PGY491%01internalservedcontrolsinceparticipateInternalcompletedslightlylowerscore76%comparedpluralresident80%Howeverdifferencereachstatisticalsignificance11CONCLUSION:Incorporatingfeasibleallowingimprovebehaviorchangewellresidencyprogram:implementationoutcomesmedicaleducation

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