Promotion of the to the international level based on journal metrics.

Sun Huh
Author Information
  1. Sun Huh: Department of Parasitology and Institute of Medical Education, College of Medicine, Hallym University, Chuncheon, Korea.


The aim of this study was to use journal metrics to confirm that the has been promoted to the international level after changing its language to English-only in April 2013. Journal metrics, including the number of articles per year, countries of authors, countries of the editorial board members, impact factor, total citations, and the Hirsch index, were counted or calculated based on the journal homepage and the Web of Science Core Collection in December 2016. The number of citable articles was 52, 62, 59, and 74 in 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016, respectively. All authors were from Korea in 2013 and 2014, but the authors were from 11 countries in 2015 and from 16 countries in 2016. The editorial board members are currently from 11 countries. The impact factor without self-citations for 2015 was 0.912, corresponding to a Journal Citation Reports ranking of 32.9% out of 82 journals in the category of sport sciences. The total citations increased from 1 in 2013 to 130 in 2016. This journal was cited in 208 other source journals in the Web of Science. The citing authors were from 47 countries. The Hirsch index was 7, and review articles were the most frequently cited articles. The above results show a rapid development to the international level over 4 years. The introduction of digital technology to journals to improve their accessibility across multiple platforms is recommended.



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  3. Int Neurourol J. 2014 Mar;18(1):3-9 [PMID: 24729921]
  4. Clin Orthop Surg. 2016 Jun;8(2):127-32 [PMID: 27247735]
  5. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2005 Nov 15;102(46):16569-72 [PMID: 16275915]
  6. Diabetes Metab J. 2014 Jun;38(3):187-93 [PMID: 25003071]
  7. J Gastric Cancer. 2016 Mar;16(1):8-13 [PMID: 27104021]
  8. Korean J Urol. 2015 Apr;56(4):276-9 [PMID: 25874040]
  9. J Educ Eval Health Prof. 2015 Dec 28;12:57 [PMID: 26708572]
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  11. Clin Endosc. 2015 Jul;48(4):317-21 [PMID: 26240806]
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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0countriesjournal2013articlesauthors2016metricsinternationallevelJournalimpactfactor2015journalsnumbereditorialboardmemberstotalcitationsHirschindexbasedWebScience2014Korea11citedaimstudyuseconfirmpromotedchanginglanguageEnglish-onlyAprilincludingperyearcountedcalculatedhomepageCoreCollectionDecembercitable52625974respectively16currentlywithoutself-citations0912correspondingCitationReportsranking329%82categorysportsciencesincreased1130208sourceciting477reviewfrequentlyresultsshowrapiddevelopment4yearsintroductiondigitaltechnologyimproveaccessibilityacrossmultipleplatformsrecommendedPromotionBibliometricsLanguageRepublicSports

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