The role of imaging in the investigation of Asherman's syndrome.

I-Ferne Tan, Meiri Robertson
Author Information
  1. I-Ferne Tan: Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Australian National University Medical School Acton ACT Australia.
  2. Meiri Robertson: Fetal Medicine Unit Women and Children's Health Services The Canberra Hospital Garran ACT Australia.


Asherman's syndrome has significant reproductive implications for patients. In most case series, the rate of fertility and full term birth directly correlates to extent of disease. However, there does not seem to be a connection between number of prior curettages, nor aetiology of adhesions in predicting outcome. Without a universally accepted classification system, comparison of research data and results for imaging modalities is difficult.



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Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0syndromeimagingAsherman'ssignificantreproductiveimplicationspatientscaseseriesratefertilityfulltermbirthdirectlycorrelatesextentdiseaseHoweverseemconnectionnumberpriorcurettagesaetiologyadhesionspredictingoutcomeWithoutuniversallyacceptedclassificationsystemcomparisonresearchdataresultsmodalitiesdifficultroleinvestigationAshermandiagnosticintra‐uterineadhesionultrasound

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