The mayfly nymph Harker defies common osmoregulatory assumptions.

Renee Dowse, Carolyn G Palmer, Kasey Hills, Fraser Torpy, Ben J Kefford
Author Information
  1. Renee Dowse: School of Life Sciences, University of Technology, Sydney, Science Building 7, Harris Street, Ultimo, New South Wales 2007, Australia; Unilever Centre for Environmental Water Quality, Institute for Water Research, Rhodes University, Old Geology Building, Artillery Road, Grahamstown, Eastern Cape 6139, South Africa. ORCID
  2. Carolyn G Palmer: Unilever Centre for Environmental Water Quality , Institute for Water Research, Rhodes University , Old Geology Building, Artillery Road, Grahamstown, Eastern Cape 6139 , South Africa.
  3. Kasey Hills: Institute for Applied Ecology , University of Canberra , Building 3 , Canberra , Australian Capital Territory 2601 , Australia. ORCID
  4. Fraser Torpy: School of Life Sciences , University of Technology, Sydney , Science Building 7, Harris Street, Ultimo, New South Wales 2007 , Australia. ORCID
  5. Ben J Kefford: Institute for Applied Ecology , University of Canberra , Building 3 , Canberra , Australian Capital Territory 2601 , Australia. ORCID


Osmoregulation is a key physiological function, critical for homeostasis. The basic physiological mechanisms of osmoregulation are thought to be well established. However, through a series of experiments exposing the freshwater mayfly nymph (Ephemeroptera) to increasing salinities, we present research that challenges the extent of current understanding of the relationship between osmoregulation and mortality. had modelled 96 h LC, LC and LC of 2.4, 4.8 and 10 g l added synthetic marine salt (SMS), respectively. They were strong osmoregulators. At aquarium water osmolality of 256 ± 3.12 mmol kg (±s.e.; equivalent to 10 g l added SMS), the haemolymph osmolality of was a much higher 401 ± 4.18 mmol kg (±s.e.). The osmoregulatory capacity of did not break down, even at the salinity corresponding to their LC, thus their mortality at this concentration is due to factors other than increased internal osmotic pressure. No freshwater invertebrate has been previously reported as suffering mortality from rises in salinity that are well below the iso-osmotic point. Recently, studies have reported reduced abundance/richness of Ephemeroptera with slightly elevated salinity. Given that salinization is an increasing global threat to freshwaters, there is an urgent need for studies into the osmophysiology of the Ephemeroptera to determine if their loss at locations with slightly elevated salinity is a direct result of external salinity or other, possibly physiological, causes.


Associated Data

Dryad | 10.5061/dryad.dk34h


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Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0salinityEphemeropteraLCphysiologicalosmoregulationmayflymortalityosmolalitywellfreshwaternymphincreasing410 g laddedSMS±seosmoregulatoryreportedstudiesslightlyelevatedsalinizationOsmoregulationkeyfunctioncriticalhomeostasisbasicmechanismsthoughtestablishedHoweverseriesexperimentsexposingsalinitiespresentresearchchallengesextentcurrentunderstandingrelationshipmodelled96 h28syntheticmarinesaltrespectivelystrongosmoregulatorsaquariumwater256 ± 312 mmol kgequivalenthaemolymphmuchhigher401 ± 418 mmol kgcapacitybreakevencorrespondingthusconcentrationduefactorsincreasedinternalosmoticpressureinvertebratepreviouslysufferingrisesiso-osmoticpointRecentlyreducedabundance/richnessGivenglobalthreatfreshwatersurgentneedosmophysiologydeterminelosslocationsdirectresultexternalpossiblycausesHarkerdefiescommonassumptions

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