Inpatient Continuous Glucose Monitoring and Glycemic Outcomes.

David L Levitt, Kristi D Silver, Elias K Spanakis
Author Information
  1. David L Levitt: 1 Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Nutrition, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA.
  2. Kristi D Silver: 1 Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Nutrition, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA.
  3. Elias K Spanakis: 1 Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Nutrition, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA.


Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) is commonly used in the outpatient setting to improve diabetes management. CGM can provide real-time glucose trends, detecting hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia before the onset of clinical symptoms. In 2011, at the time the Endocrine Society CGM guidelines were published, the society did not recommend inpatient CGM as its efficacy and safety were unknown. While many studies have subsequently evaluated inpatient CGM accuracy and reliability, glycemic outcome studies have not been widely published. In the non-ICU setting, investigational CGM studies have commonly blinded providers and patients to glucose data. Retrospective review of the glucose data reflects increased hypoglycemia detection with CGM. In the ICU setting, data are inconsistent whether CGM can improve glycemic outcomes. Studies have not focused on hospitalized patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus, the population most likely to benefit from inpatient CGM. This article reviews inpatient CGM glycemic outcomes in the non-ICU and ICU setting.



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MeSH Term

Blood Glucose
Blood Glucose Self-Monitoring
Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1


Blood Glucose

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0CGMglucoseinpatientsettingdiabetesstudiesglycemicdatatypeContinuousmonitoringcommonlyimprovecanhypoglycemiapublishednon-ICUpatientsICUoutcomes1usedoutpatientmanagementprovidereal-timetrendsdetectinghyperglycemiaonsetclinicalsymptoms2011timeEndocrineSocietyguidelinessocietyrecommendefficacysafetyunknownmanysubsequentlyevaluatedaccuracyreliabilityoutcomewidelyinvestigationalblindedprovidersRetrospectivereviewreflectsincreaseddetectioninconsistentwhetherStudiesfocusedhospitalizedmellituspopulationlikelybenefitarticlereviewsInpatientGlucoseMonitoringGlycemicOutcomescontinuoushospital2

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