A Y Oyeyemi, R B Usman, A L Oyeyemi
Author Information
  1. A Y Oyeyemi: Department of Medical Rehabilitation (Physiotherapy), College of Medical Sciences, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri, Nigeria.
  2. R B Usman: Department of Physiotherapy, University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital, Maiduguri, Nigeria.
  3. A L Oyeyemi: Physical Activity, Sport and Recreation Research Center, Faculty of Health Sciences, North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa.


BACKGROUND: A general presumption is that any advice from physicians would likely be taken seriously by patients, and patients are more likely to see their doctors in the event of any health complaints than any other health professionals. The perceptions and practice of Nigerian physicians on their role in physical activity promotion are not well known. This study aimed to determine the knowledge of physical activity message, confidence, role perceptions, barriers and feasibility of physical activity promotion among physicians in two tertiary health institutions in North-Eastern Nigeria.
METHOD: A total of 153 (84.5% response) physicians at the University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital and Federal Medical Center Yola completed a previously developed questionnaire that elicited information on their knowledge, barrier, feasibility, role and confidence in physical activity promotion.
RESULTS: Physicians in this study reported fairly good knowledge (mean score=14.7±2.2/20), minimal or little barrier to physical activity promotion (mean score=24.4±3.5/30), perceived physical activity promotion as their role (mean score=12.9±1.6/15), were confident in their ability to discuss and recommend exercises for physical activity promotion (mean score=7.9±1.3/ 10) and believed promoting physical activity was feasible for them (mean score=15.0±2.5/20). The physicians had good disposition to physical activity promotion (Mean score=78.5±6.7/100), but male physicians showed better disposition than their female counterparts.
CONCLUSION: Overall these cohorts of physicians are somewhat knowledgeable on physical activity promotion and are positively disposed to promoting physical activity among their patients. These findings can be leveraged upon to optimize outcome of campaigns or interventions to change physical activity behaviour in Nigerian populace.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0activityphysicalpromotionphysiciansmeanrolepatientshealthknowledgelikelydoctorsperceptionsNigerianstudyconfidencefeasibilityamongMedicalbarriergood9±1promotingdispositionOFBACKGROUND:generalpresumptionadvicetakenseriouslyseeeventcomplaintsprofessionalspracticewellknownaimeddeterminemessagebarrierstwotertiaryinstitutionsNorth-EasternNigeriaMETHOD:total153845%responseUniversityMaiduguriTeachingHospitalFederalCenterYolacompletedpreviouslydevelopedquestionnaireelicitedinformationRESULTS:Physiciansreportedfairlyscore=147±22/20minimallittlescore=244±35/30perceivedscore=126/15confidentabilitydiscussrecommendexercisesscore=73/10believedfeasiblescore=150±25/20Meanscore=785±67/100maleshowedbetterfemalecounterpartsCONCLUSION:OverallcohortssomewhatknowledgeablepositivelydisposedfindingscanleverageduponoptimizeoutcomecampaignsinterventionschangebehaviourpopulaceSURVEYDISPOSITIONPHYSICIANSTOWARDSPHYSICALACTIVITYPROMOTIONATTWOTERTIARYHOSPITALSINNORTH-EASTERNNIGERIAActivelifestyleDispositionExercisePhysical

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