Influence of heat stress, sex and genetic groups on reference genes stability in muscle tissue of chicken.

Haniel Cedraz de Oliveira, Antonio Amandio Pinto Garcia, Juliana Gracielle Gonzaga Gromboni, Ronaldo Vasconcelos Farias Filho, Carlos Souza do Nascimento, Amauri Arias Wenceslau
Author Information
  1. Haniel Cedraz de Oliveira: Post Graduation program in Animal Science, Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz - UESC, Ilhéus, Bahia, Brasil. ORCID
  2. Antonio Amandio Pinto Garcia: Post Graduation program in Animal Science, Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz - UESC, Ilhéus, Bahia, Brasil.
  3. Juliana Gracielle Gonzaga Gromboni: Post Graduation program in Animal Science, Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz - UESC, Ilhéus, Bahia, Brasil.
  4. Ronaldo Vasconcelos Farias Filho: Departament of Rural and Animal Technology - Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia - Campus Itapetinga - UESB, Itapetinga, Bahia, Brazil.
  5. Carlos Souza do Nascimento: Department of Animal Science, Universidade Federal de Sergipe, São Cristovão, Sergipe, Brazil.
  6. Amauri Arias Wenceslau: Post Graduation program in Animal Science, Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz - UESC, Ilhéus, Bahia, Brasil.


Quantitative RT-PCR is an important technique for assessing gene expression. However, a proper normalization of reference genes prior to expression analyses of target genes is necessary. The best normalizer is that gene which remains stable in all samples from different treatments. The aim of this study was to identify stable reference genes for normalization of target genes in muscle tissue from three genetically divergent chickens groups (Peloco, Cobb 500® and Caneluda) under environmental (heat stress and comfort) and sex influence. Expressions of ten reference genes were tested for stability in breast muscular tissue (Pectoralis major muscle). Samples were obtained from 36 males and females of two backyard breeds (Caneluda and Peloco) and one commercial line (Cobb 500®) under two environments. The heat stress and comfort temperature were 39 and 23°C, respectively. Animals were housed in the Animal Science Department at Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia. We analyzed the expression data by four statistical tools (SLqPCR, NormFinder, Bestkeeper and Comparative CT). According to these tools, genes stability varied according to sex, genetic group and environment, however, some genes remained stable in all analyzes. There was no difference between the most stable genes for sex effect, being MRPS27 more stable for both males and females. In general, MRPS27 was the most stable gene. Within the three genetic groups, the most stable genes were RPL5, HMBS and EEF1 to Cobb 500®, Peloco and Caneluda, respectively. Within the environment, the most stable gene under comfort and heat stress conditions was HMBS and MRPS27, respectively. BestKeeper and Comparative Ct were less correlated (28%) and SLqPCR and NormFinder were the most correlated (98%). MRPS27, RPL5 and MRPS30 genes were considered stable according the overall ranking and can be used as normalizer of relative expression of target genes in muscle tissue of chickens under heat stress.


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MeSH Term

Analysis of Variance
Avian Proteins
Gene Expression Profiling
Gene Expression Regulation
Heat-Shock Response
Hot Temperature
Muscle, Skeletal
Protein Stability
RNA, Messenger
Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction
Sex Characteristics
Species Specificity


Avian Proteins
RNA, Messenger

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0genesstableheatstressgeneexpressionreferencemuscletissuesexMRPS27targetgroupsPelocoCobb500®CaneludacomfortstabilityrespectivelygeneticnormalizationnormalizerthreechickensmalesfemalestwotoolsSLqPCRNormFinderComparativeaccordingenvironmentWithinRPL5HMBScorrelatedQuantitativeRT-PCRimportanttechniqueassessingHoweverproperprioranalysesnecessarybestremainssamplesdifferenttreatmentsaimstudyidentifygeneticallydivergentenvironmentalinfluenceExpressionstentestedbreastmuscularPectoralismajorSamplesobtained36backyardbreedsonecommerciallineenvironmentstemperature3923°CAnimalshousedAnimalScienceDepartmentUniversidadeEstadualSudoestedaBahiaanalyzeddatafourstatisticalBestkeeperCTAccordingvariedgrouphoweverremainedanalyzesdifferenceeffectgeneralEEF1conditionsBestKeeperCtless28%98%MRPS30consideredoverallrankingcanusedrelativeInfluencechicken

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