Costs associated with community acquired pneumonia in France.

Grèce Saba, Luiz Flavio Andrade, Jacques Gaillat, Pierre Bonnin, Christian Chidiac, Hajnal-Gabriela Illes, Henri Laurichesse, Jonathan Messika, Jean-Damien Ricard, Bruno Detournay, Patrick Petitpretz, Gérard de Pouvourville
Author Information
  1. Grèce Saba: ESSEC Business School, Avenue Bernard Hirsch, 95021, Cergy-Pontoise Cedex, France.
  2. Luiz Flavio Andrade: ESSEC Business School, Avenue Bernard Hirsch, 95021, Cergy-Pontoise Cedex, France. ORCID
  3. Jacques Gaillat: CH d'Annecy Genevois, Annecy, France.
  4. Pierre Bonnin: CH d'Annecy Genevois, Annecy, France.
  5. Christian Chidiac: Hôpital de la Croix Rousse, Hospices Civils de Lyon, Lyon, France.
  6. Hajnal-Gabriela Illes: Hôpital Gabriel Montpied, CHU de Clermont-Ferrand, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
  7. Henri Laurichesse: Hôpital Gabriel Montpied, CHU de Clermont-Ferrand, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
  8. Jonathan Messika: AP-HP, Hôpital Louis Mourier, Service de Réanimation Médico-Chirurgicale, 178 rue des Renouillers, 92700, Colombes, France.
  9. Jean-Damien Ricard: AP-HP, Hôpital Louis Mourier, Service de Réanimation Médico-Chirurgicale, 178 rue des Renouillers, 92700, Colombes, France.
  10. Bruno Detournay: CEMKA-EVAL, Bourg-la-Reine, France.
  11. Patrick Petitpretz: Hôpital André Mignot, Versailles, France.
  12. Gérard de Pouvourville: ESSEC Business School, Avenue Bernard Hirsch, 95021, Cergy-Pontoise Cedex, France.


OBJECTIVES: Pneumocost is a prospective study that aimed at documenting the costs of the management of patients hospitalized with a pneumococcal pneumonia and the post-discharge costs during a 6-month period in the French context.
METHODS: Billing data were used to document hospital costs. Resource use during the follow-up period was collected through phone interviews at month 1, 3 and 6. Descriptive statistics and multivariate analyses were performed. We used generalized linear models with log-link functions to estimate parameters associated with hospital and follow-up costs of patients.
RESULTS: Five hundred twenty-four patients were enrolled in 40 public centers from October 2011 to April 2014. Average age was 63 (SD 17); 55.0% of them were male. Average length of stay was 15 days (SD 23). Average cost of stay for the French Sickness Fund was €7293 (SD €7363). Average cost of follow-up was €1242 (SD €3000) and decreased steadily through time. When controlling for patient's socioeconomic characteristics, severity of disease and hospital stay, results showed a concave relationship between hospital costs and age. Obesity, the severity of the disease and comorbidities were associated with constantly increasing inpatient costs. Concerning follow-up costs, we found the same concave relationship with age, while gender, a history of pneumonia and severity of the disease were the most important predictors of high costs after discharge.
CONCLUSION: Pneumocost is the first French study providing a robust estimation of the cost of managing invasive pneumococcal pneumonia in the French context.



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  1. Unrestricted grant/Pfizer France

MeSH Term

Aged, 80 and over
Community-Acquired Infections
Hospital Costs
Length of Stay
Middle Aged
Prospective Studies
Young Adult

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0costspneumoniaFrenchhospitalfollow-upAverageSDstudypatientsassociatedagestaycostseveritydiseasePneumocostpneumococcalperiodcontextusedconcaverelationshipFranceOBJECTIVES:prospectiveaimeddocumentingmanagementhospitalizedpost-discharge6-monthMETHODS:BillingdatadocumentResourceusecollectedphoneinterviewsmonth136Descriptivestatisticsmultivariateanalysesperformedgeneralizedlinearmodelslog-linkfunctionsestimateparametersRESULTS:Fivehundredtwenty-fourenrolled40publiccentersOctober2011April20146317550%malelength15 days23SicknessFund€7293€7363€1242€3000decreasedsteadilytimecontrollingpatient'ssocioeconomiccharacteristicsresultsshowedObesitycomorbiditiesconstantlyincreasinginpatientConcerningfoundgenderhistoryimportantpredictorshighdischargeCONCLUSION:firstprovidingrobustestimationmanaginginvasiveCostscommunityacquiredCostPneumococcal

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