Plasmodium berghei PIMMS2 Promotes Ookinete Invasion of the Anopheles gambiae Mosquito Midgut.

Chiamaka V Ukegbu, Karolina A Akinosoglou, George K Christophides, Dina Vlachou
Author Information
  1. Chiamaka V Ukegbu: Laboratory of Insect Immunogenomics, Department of Life Sciences, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom.
  2. Karolina A Akinosoglou: Laboratory of Insect Immunogenomics, Department of Life Sciences, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom.
  3. George K Christophides: Laboratory of Insect Immunogenomics, Department of Life Sciences, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom.
  4. Dina Vlachou: Laboratory of Insect Immunogenomics, Department of Life Sciences, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom


Mosquito midgut stages of the malaria parasite present an attractive biological system to study host-parasite interactions and develop interventions to block disease transmission. Mosquito infection ensues upon oocyst development that follows ookinete invasion and traversal of the mosquito midgut epithelium. Here, we report the characterization of PIMMS2 ( invasion of mosquito midgut screen candidate 2), a protein with structural similarities to subtilisin-like proteins. orthologs are present in the genomes of all plasmodia and are mapped between the subtilisin-encoding genes and PIMMS2 is specifically expressed in zygotes and ookinetes and is localized on the ookinete surface. Loss of PIMMS2 function through gene disruption by homologous recombination leads to normal development of motile ookinetes that exhibit a severely impaired capacity to traverse the mosquito midgut and transform to oocysts. Genetic complementation of the disrupted locus with a mutated allele reveals that amino acid residues corresponding to the putative subtilisin-like catalytic triad are important but not essential for protein function. Our data demonstrate that PIMMS2 is a novel ookinete-specific protein that promotes parasite traversal of the mosquito midgut epithelium and establishment of mosquito infection.



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  1. /Wellcome Trust

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