A Bayesian approach to estimating hidden variables as well as missing and wrong molecular interactions in ordinary differential equation-based mathematical models.

Benjamin Engelhardt, Maik Kschischo, Holger Fr��hlich
Author Information
  1. Benjamin Engelhardt: Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universit��t Bonn, Algorithmic Bioinformatics, Bonn, Germany engelhar@bit.uni-bonn.de. ORCID
  2. Maik Kschischo: Department of Mathematics and Technology, University of Applied Sciences Koblenz, RheinAhrCampus, Remagen, Germany.
  3. Holger Fr��hlich: Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universit��t Bonn, Algorithmic Bioinformatics, Bonn, Germany.


Ordinary differential equations (ODEs) are a popular approach to quantitatively model molecular networks based on biological knowledge. However, such knowledge is typically restricted. Wrongly modelled biological mechanisms as well as relevant external influence factors that are not included into the model are likely to manifest in major discrepancies between model predictions and experimental data. Finding the exact reasons for such observed discrepancies can be quite challenging in practice. In order to address this issue, we suggest a Bayesian approach to estimate hidden influences in ODE-based models. The method can distinguish between exogenous and endogenous hidden influences. Thus, we can detect wrongly specified as well as missed molecular interactions in the model. We demonstrate the performance of our Bayesian dynamic elastic-net with several ordinary differential equation models from the literature, such as human JAK-STAT signalling, information processing at the erythropoietin receptor, isomerization of liquid -Pinene, G protein cycling in yeast and UV-B triggered signalling in plants. Moreover, we investigate a set of commonly known network motifs and a gene-regulatory network. Altogether our method supports the modeller in an algorithmic manner to identify possible sources of errors in ODE-based models on the basis of experimental data.



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MeSH Term

Bayes Theorem
Computer Simulation
Gene Expression Regulation
Gene Regulatory Networks
Models, Chemical
Models, Theoretical
Signal Transduction
Systems Biology

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0differentialmodelmodelsapproachmolecularwellcanBayesianhiddenordinaryequationsbiologicalknowledgediscrepanciesexperimentaldatainfluencesODE-basedmethodinteractionsdynamicelastic-netsignallingnetworkOrdinaryODEspopularquantitativelynetworksbasedHowevertypicallyrestrictedWronglymodelledmechanismsrelevantexternalinfluencefactorsincludedlikelymanifestmajorpredictionsFindingexactreasonsobservedquitechallengingpracticeorderaddressissuesuggestestimatedistinguishexogenousendogenousThusdetectwronglyspecifiedmisseddemonstrateperformanceseveralequationliteraturehumanJAK-STATinformationprocessingerythropoietinreceptorisomerizationliquid-PineneGproteincyclingyeastUV-BtriggeredplantsMoreoverinvestigatesetcommonlyknownmotifsgene-regulatoryAltogethersupportsmodelleralgorithmicmanneridentifypossiblesourceserrorsbasisestimatingvariablesmissingwrongequation-basedmathematicalmodellingsystemsbiology

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