Regulation of Proteolysis in the Gram-Negative Bacterial Envelope.

Tracy L Raivio
Author Information
  1. Tracy L Raivio: Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada


Proteolysis is carefully regulated to prevent the untimely destruction of critical proteins. In this issue of the , Kim and colleagues identify YjfN as a proteolytic regulator that stimulates the activity of the DegP/HtrA protease of (S. Kim, I. Song, G. Eom, and S. Kim, J Bacteriol 200:e00519-17, 2018, The suicide destruction and transcriptional regulation of YjfN limit its activity to conditions in which there are likely to be many misfolded substrate proteins present.



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  1. MOP342982/CIHR

MeSH Term

Escherichia coli
Escherichia coli Proteins
Heat-Shock Proteins
Periplasmic Proteins


Escherichia coli Proteins
Heat-Shock Proteins
Periplasmic Proteins

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0KimYjfNProteolysisdestructionproteinsactivityScarefullyregulatedpreventuntimelycriticalissuecolleaguesidentifyproteolyticregulatorstimulatesDegP/HtrAproteaseSongGEomJBacteriol200:e00519-172018https://doiorg/101128/JB00519-17suicidetranscriptionalregulationlimitconditionslikelymanymisfoldedsubstratepresentRegulationGram-NegativeBacterialEnvelopeDegPEscherichiacoliGramnegativebacterialenvelopeproteolysisstressresponse

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