Glucose variability for cardiovascular risk factors in type 2 diabetes: a meta-analysis.

Shuang Liang, Hang Yin, Chunxiang Wei, Linjun Xie, Hua He, Xiaoquan Liu
Author Information
  1. Shuang Liang: Department of Center of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics, China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing, China.
  2. Hang Yin: Department of Center of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics, China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing, China.
  3. Chunxiang Wei: Department of Center of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics, China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing, China.
  4. Linjun Xie: Department of Center of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics, China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing, China.
  5. Hua He: Department of Center of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics, China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing, China.
  6. Xiaoquan Liu: Department of Center of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics, China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing, China. ORCID


AIMS: It is consensus that glucose variability (GV) plays an important role in maccomplications of type 2 diabetes, but whether GV has a causal role is not yet clear for cardiovascular disease (CVD). This study sought to explore the effect on GV for CVD risk factors with type 2 diabetes.
METHODS: The systematic literature search was performed to identify all GV and CVD risk factors, including total cholesterol (TC), LDL cholesterol (LDL-C), triglyceride (TG), HDL cholesterol (HDL-C), Body Mass Index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), High-Sensitivity C-reactive protein (Hs-CRP), Homeostasis model assessment (HOMA) and carotid intima-media thickness (IMT). Preferred Reporting Items was synthesized for Systematic reviews and Meta Analyses guideline. And the pooled analyses were undertaken using Review Manager 5.3.
RESULTS: Twenty two studies were included with a total of 1143 patients in high glucose variability group (HGVG) and 1275 patients low glucose variability group (LGVG). Among these selected CVD risk factors, HOMA-IR and reduced IMT were affected by GV. HOMA-IR level was significantly lower in LGVG than in HGVG (MD = 0.58, 95% CI: 0.26 to 0.91,  = 0.0004), with evidence of heterogeneity between studies (I = 0%;  = 0.47).Reduced IMT level was significantly lower in LGVG than in HGVG (SMD = 0.28, 95% CI: 0.09 to 0.47,  = 0.003), with evidence of heterogeneity between studies (I = 0%;  = 0.48). However, the others were no significant statistical difference.
CONCLUSIONS: Among these selected CVD risk factors in type 2 diabetes, minimizing GV could improve insulin resistance and reduced IMT, consistent with a lowering in risk of CVD.


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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0GVCVDriskfactorsvariabilitytype2IMT0 = 0glucosediabetescholesterolstudiesHGVGLGVGrolecardiovasculartotalpatientsgroupAmongselectedHOMA-IRreducedlevelsignificantlylower95%CI:evidenceheterogeneityI = 0%47AIMS:consensusplaysimportantmaccomplicationswhethercausalyetcleardiseasestudysoughtexploreeffectMETHODS:systematicliteraturesearchperformedidentifyincludingTCLDLLDL-CtriglycerideTGHDLHDL-CBodyMassIndexBMIwaistcircumferenceWCHigh-SensitivityC-reactiveproteinHs-CRPHomeostasismodelassessmentHOMAcarotidintima-mediathicknessPreferredReportingItemssynthesizedSystematicreviewsMetaAnalysesguidelinepooledanalysesundertakenusingReviewManager53RESULTS:Twentytwoincluded1143high1275lowaffectedMD = 05826910004ReducedSMD = 0280900348HoweverotherssignificantstatisticaldifferenceCONCLUSIONS:minimizingimproveinsulinresistanceconsistentloweringGlucosediabetes:meta-analysis

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