Protocol for developing a Database of Zoonotic disease Research in India (DoZooRI).

Pranab Chatterjee, Soumyadeep Bhaumik, Abhimanyu Singh Chauhan, Manish Kakkar
Author Information
  1. Pranab Chatterjee: Public Health Foundation of India, New Delhi, Delhi, India. ORCID
  2. Soumyadeep Bhaumik: Public Health Foundation of India, New Delhi, Delhi, India.
  3. Abhimanyu Singh Chauhan: Public Health Foundation of India, New Delhi, Delhi, India.
  4. Manish Kakkar: Public Health Foundation of India, New Delhi, Delhi, India.


INTRODUCTION: Zoonotic and emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) represent a public health threat that has been acknowledged only recently although they have been on the rise for the past several decades. On an average, every year since the Second World War, one pathogen has emerged or re-emerged on a global scale. Low/middle-income countries such as India bear a significant burden of zoonotic and EIDs. We propose that the creation of a database of published, peer-reviewed research will open up avenues for evidence-based policymaking for targeted prevention and control of zoonoses.
METHODS AND ANALYSIS: A large-scale systematic mapping of the published peer-reviewed research conducted in India will be undertaken. All published research will be included in the database, without any prejudice for quality screening, to broaden the scope of included studies. Structured search strategies will be developed for priority zoonotic diseases (leptospirosis, rabies, anthrax, brucellosis, cysticercosis, salmonellosis, bovine tuberculosis, Japanese encephalitis and rickettsial infections), and multiple databases will be searched for studies conducted in India. The database will be managed and hosted on a cloud-based platform called Rayyan. Individual studies will be tagged based on key preidentified parameters (disease, study design, study type, location, randomisation status and interventions, host involvement and others, as applicable).
ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: The database will incorporate already published studies, obviating the need for additional ethical clearances. The database will be made available online, and in collaboration with multisectoral teams, domains of enquiries will be identified and subsequent research questions will be raised. The database will be queried for these and resulting evidence will be analysed and published in peer-reviewed journals.



  1. Global Health. 2016 Aug 25;12 (1):51 [PMID: 27562360]
  2. Infect Dis Poverty. 2016 Oct 3;5(1):87 [PMID: 27716352]
  3. Emerg Infect Dis. 2003 Mar;9(3):403-4 [PMID: 12643844]
  4. Nature. 2008 Feb 21;451(7181):898-9 [PMID: 18288175]
  5. Bull World Health Organ. 2015 Feb 1;93(2):131-2 [PMID: 25883407]
  6. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2013 Feb 04;368(1614):20120250 [PMID: 23382431]
  7. Am J Prev Med. 2008 Aug;35(2 Suppl):S124-32 [PMID: 18619392]
  8. Indian J Med Res. 2013 Oct;138(4):560-1 [PMID: 24434265]
  9. Res Synth Methods. 2017 Sep;8(3):275-280 [PMID: 28374510]
  10. Lancet. 2016 Jan 9;387(10014):122-3 [PMID: 26841991]
  11. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2015 Jun 10;9(6):e0003756 [PMID: 26061527]
  12. PLoS One. 2011 Feb 25;6(2):e17120 [PMID: 21364879]
  13. J Med Libr Assoc. 2016 Jan;104(1):76-8 [PMID: 26807058]
  14. Nature. 2008 Feb 21;451(7181):990-3 [PMID: 18288193]
  15. S Afr Med J. 2012 Feb 23;102(3 Pt 1):138-9 [PMID: 22380905]
  16. Am J Community Psychol. 2006 Sep;38(1-2):63-77 [PMID: 16791514]
  17. Lancet. 2016 Apr 9;387(10027):1573-86 [PMID: 26423180]

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0willdatabasepublishedIndiaresearchstudiespeer-reviewedZoonoticemergingdiseasesEIDshealthonezoonoticzoonosesANDconductedincludedinfectionsdiseasestudyevidenceINTRODUCTION:infectiousrepresentpublicthreatacknowledgedrecentlyalthoughrisepastseveraldecadesaverageeveryyearsinceSecondWorldWarpathogenemergedre-emergedglobalscaleLow/middle-incomecountriesbearsignificantburdenproposecreationopenavenuesevidence-basedpolicymakingtargetedpreventioncontrolMETHODSANALYSIS:large-scalesystematicmappingundertakenwithoutprejudicequalityscreeningbroadenscopeStructuredsearchstrategiesdevelopedpriorityleptospirosisrabiesanthraxbrucellosiscysticercosissalmonellosisbovinetuberculosisJapaneseencephalitisrickettsialmultipledatabasessearchedmanagedhostedcloud-basedplatformcalledRayyanIndividualtaggedbasedkeypreidentifiedparametersdesigntypelocationrandomisationstatusinterventionshostinvolvementothersapplicableETHICSDISSEMINATION:incorporatealreadyobviatingneedadditionalethicalclearancesmadeavailableonlinecollaborationmultisectoralteamsdomainsenquiriesidentifiedsubsequentquestionsraisedqueriedresultinganalysedjournalsProtocoldevelopingDatabaseResearchDoZooRIsynthesisprotocol

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