Toward Optimizing Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials: Normalization Reduces the Need for Strong Neck Muscle Contraction.

Kimberley S Noij, Barbara S Herrmann, Steven D Rauch, John J Guinan
Author Information
  1. Kimberley S Noij: Department of Otolaryngology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA.


BACKGROUND: The cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potential (cVEMP) represents an inhibitory reflex of the saccule measured in the ipsilateral sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM) in response to acoustic or vibrational stimulation. Since the cVEMP is a modulation of SCM electromyographic (EMG) activity, cVEMP amplitude is proportional to muscle EMG amplitude. We sought to evaluate muscle contraction influences on cVEMP peak-to-peak amplitudes (VEMPpp), normalized cVEMP amplitudes (VEMPn), and inhibition depth (VEMPid).
METHODS: cVEMPs at 500 Hz were measured in 25 healthy subjects for 3 SCM EMG contraction ranges: 45-65, 65-105, and 105-500 μV root mean square (r.m.s.). For each range, we measured cVEMP sound level functions (93-123 dB peSPL) and sound off, meaning that muscle contraction was measured without acoustic stimulation. The effect of muscle contraction amplitude on VEMPpp, VEMPn, and VEMPid and the ability to distinguish cVEMP presence/absence were evaluated.
RESULTS: VEMPpp amplitudes were significantly greater at higher muscle contractions. In contrast, VEMPn and VEMPid showed no significant effect of muscle contraction. Cohen's d indicated that for all 3 cVEMP metrics contraction amplitude variations produced little change in the ability to distinguish cVEMP presence/absence. VEMPid more clearly indicated saccular output because when no acoustic stimulus was presented the saccular inhibition estimated by VEMPid was zero, unlike those by VEMPpp and VEMPn.
CONCLUSION: Muscle contraction amplitude strongly affects VEMPpp amplitude, but contractions 45-300 μV r.m.s. produce stable VEMPn and VEMPid values. Clinically, there may be no need for subjects to exert high contraction effort. This is especially beneficial in patients for whom maintaining high SCM contraction amplitudes is challenging.



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  1. UL1 TR001102/NCATS NIH HHS

MeSH Term

Acoustic Stimulation
Healthy Volunteers
Middle Aged
Muscle Contraction
Neck Muscles
Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials
Young Adult

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0contractioncVEMPmuscleamplitudeVEMPidVEMPppVEMPnmeasuredSCMamplitudesacousticEMGMusclevestibularevokedmyogenicpotentialstimulationinhibitionsubjects3μVrmssoundeffectabilitydistinguishpresence/absencecontractionsindicatedsaccularhighNormalizationBACKGROUND:cervicalrepresentsinhibitoryreflexsacculeipsilateralsternocleidomastoidresponsevibrationalSincemodulationelectromyographicactivityproportionalsoughtevaluateinfluencespeak-to-peaknormalizeddepthMETHODS:cVEMPs500Hz25healthyranges:45-6565-105105-500rootmeansquarerangelevelfunctions93-123dBpeSPLmeaningwithoutevaluatedRESULTS:significantlygreaterhighercontrastshowedsignificantCohen'sdmetricsvariationsproducedlittlechangeclearlyoutputstimuluspresentedestimatedzerounlikeCONCLUSION:stronglyaffects45-300producestablevaluesClinicallymayneedexerteffortespeciallybeneficialpatientsmaintainingchallengingTowardOptimizingVestibularEvokedMyogenicPotentials:ReducesNeedStrongNeckContractionCervical

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