Acute effects of accumulated aerobic exercise on aortic and peripheral pulse wave velocity in young males.

Ryota Kobayashi, Hiroyuki Hatakeyama, Yuto Hashimoto, Takanobu Okamoto
Author Information
  1. Ryota Kobayashi: Center for Fundamental Education, Teikyo University of Science: 2-2-1 Senju, Sakuragi, Adachi- ku, Tokyo 120-0045, Japan.
  2. Hiroyuki Hatakeyama: Graduate School of Health and Sport Science, Nippon Sport Science University, Japan.
  3. Yuto Hashimoto: Graduate School of Health and Sport Science, Nippon Sport Science University, Japan.
  4. Takanobu Okamoto: Department of Exercise Physiology, Nippon Sport Science University, Japan.


[Purpose] The present study investigates the acute effects of accumulated aerobic exercise on aortic and peripheral pulse wave velocity (PWV) in healthy young males. [Subjects and Methods] We gathered data from 9 healthy young males (age, 23.4 ± 0.6 years) performed aerobic exercise group (AE, 65% peak oxygen uptake; two 15 min bouts of cycling performed with 20 min rest) and control group (CON, seated and resting in a quiet room) on separate days in a randomized, controlled crossover fashion. Carotid-femoral (aortic) and femoral-ankle (peripheral) PWV, carotid augmentation index, carotid, brachial and ankle blood pressure and heart rate were measured before (baseline) and 20 min for both groups. [Results] Aortic and peripheral PWV decreased from baseline at 20 min for the AE group, but not in the CON group. [Conclusion] The present findings indicate that acute accumulated aerobic exercise decreases aortic and peripheral PWV in healthy young males.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0peripheralaerobicexerciseaorticPWVyoungmalesgroupaccumulatedpulsewavevelocityhealthy20 minpresentacuteeffectsperformedAECONcarotidaugmentationindexbaselineAortic[Purpose]studyinvestigates[SubjectsMethods]gathereddata9age234±06 years65%peakoxygenuptaketwo15 minboutscyclingrestcontrolseatedrestingquietroomseparatedaysrandomizedcontrolledcrossoverfashionCarotid-femoralfemoral-anklebrachialanklebloodpressureheartratemeasuredgroups[Results]decreased[Conclusion]findingsindicatedecreasesAcuteAccumulatedCarotid

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