An Instrument to Measure Maturity of Integrated Care: A First Validation Study.

Liset Grooten, Liesbeth Borgermans, Hubertus Jm Vrijhoef
Author Information
  1. Liset Grooten: Department of Family Medicine and Chronic Care, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, B-1090 Brussels, BE. ORCID
  2. Liesbeth Borgermans: Department of Family Medicine and Chronic Care, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, B-1090 Brussels, BE. ORCID
  3. Hubertus Jm Vrijhoef: Department of Family Medicine and Chronic Care, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, B-1090 Brussels, BE. ORCID


INTRODUCTION: Lessons captured from interviews with 12 European regions are represented in a new instrument, the B3-Maturity Model (B3-MM). B3-MM aims to assess maturity along 12 dimensions reflecting the various aspects that need to be managed in order to deliver integrated care. The objective of the study was to test the content validity of B3-MM as part of SCIROCCO (Scaling Integrated Care into Context), a European Union funded project.
METHODS: A literature review was conducted to compare B3-MM's 12 dimensions and their measurement scales with existing measures and instruments that focus on assessing the development of integrated care. Subsequently, a three-round survey conducted through a Delphi study with international experts in the field of integrated care was performed to test the relevance of: 1) the dimensions, 2) the maturity indicators and 3) the assessment scale used in B3-MM.
RESULTS: The 11 articles included in the literature review confirmed all the dimensions described in the original version of B3-MM. The Delphi study rounds resulted in various phrasing amendments of indicators and assessment scale. Full agreement among the experts on the relevance of the 12 B3-MM dimensions, their indicators, and assessment scale was reached after the third Delphi round.
CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION: The B3-MM dimensions, maturity indicators and assessment scale showed satisfactory content validity. While the B3-MM is a unique instrument based on existing knowledge and experiences of regions in integrated care, further testing is needed to explore other measurement properties of B3-MM.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0B3-MMdimensionsintegratedcare12maturityindicatorsassessmentscaleinstrumentstudyvaliditymeasurementDelphiEuropeanregionsvarioustestcontentIntegratedliteraturereviewconductedexistingexpertsrelevanceINTRODUCTION:LessonscapturedinterviewsrepresentednewB3-MaturityModelaimsassessalongreflectingaspectsneedmanagedorderdeliverobjectivepartSCIROCCOScalingCareContextUnionfundedprojectMETHODS:compareB3-MM'sscalesmeasuresinstrumentsfocusassessingdevelopmentSubsequentlythree-roundsurveyinternationalfieldperformedof:123usedRESULTS:11articlesincludedconfirmeddescribedoriginalversionroundsresultedphrasingamendmentsFullagreementamongreachedthirdroundCONCLUSIONANDDISCUSSION:showedsatisfactoryuniquebasedknowledgeexperiencestestingneededexplorepropertiesInstrumentMeasureMaturityCare:FirstValidationStudy

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