Randomized DNA libraries construction tool: a new 3-bp 'frequent cutter' TthHB27I/sinefungin endonuclease with chemically-induced specificity.

Daria Krefft, Aliaksei Papkov, Maciej Prusinowski, Agnieszka Zylicz-Stachula, Piotr M Skowron
Author Information
  1. Daria Krefft: Department of Molecular Biotechnology, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Gdansk, Wita Stwosza 63, 80-308, Gdansk, Poland.
  2. Aliaksei Papkov: Department of Molecular Biotechnology, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Gdansk, Wita Stwosza 63, 80-308, Gdansk, Poland.
  3. Maciej Prusinowski: Department of Molecular Biotechnology, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Gdansk, Wita Stwosza 63, 80-308, Gdansk, Poland.
  4. Agnieszka Zylicz-Stachula: Department of Molecular Biotechnology, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Gdansk, Wita Stwosza 63, 80-308, Gdansk, Poland.
  5. Piotr M Skowron: Department of Molecular Biotechnology, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Gdansk, Wita Stwosza 63, 80-308, Gdansk, Poland. piotr.skowron@ug.edu.pl.


BACKGROUND: Acoustic or hydrodynamic shearing, sonication and enzymatic digestion are used to fragment DNA. However, these methods have several disadvantages, such as DNA damage, difficulties in fragmentation control, irreproducibility and under-representation of some DNA segments. The DNA fragmentation tool would be a gentle enzymatic method, offering cleavage frequency high enough to eliminate DNA fragments distribution bias and allow for easy control of partial digests. Only three such frequently cleaving natural restriction endonucleases (REases) were discovered: CviJI, SetI and FaiI. Therefore, we have previously developed two artificial enzymatic specificities, cleaving DNA approximately every ~ 3-bp: TspGWI/sinefungin (SIN) and TaqII/SIN.
RESULTS: In this paper we present the third developed specificity: TthHB27I/SIN(SAM) - a new genomic tool, based on Type IIS/IIC/IIG Thermus-family REases-methyltransferases (MTases). In the presence of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM) or its analogue SIN, the 6-bp cognate TthHB27I recognition sequence 5'-CAARCA-3' is converted into a combined 3.2-3.0-bp 'site' or its statistical equivalent, while a cleavage distance of 11/9 nt is retained. Protocols for various modes of limited DNA digestions were developed.
CONCLUSIONS: In the presence of DMSO and SAM or SIN, TthHB27I is transformed from rare 6-bp cutter to a very frequent one, approximately 3-bp. Thus, TthHB27I/SIN(SAM) comprises a new tool in the very low-represented segment of such prototype REases specificities. Moreover, this modified TthHB27I enzyme is uniquely suited for controlled DNA fragmentation, due to partial DNA cleavage, which is an inherent feature of the Thermus-family enzymes. Such tool can be used for quasi-random libraries generation as well as for other DNA manipulations, requiring high frequency cleavage and uniform distribution of cuts along DNA.



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  1. DS 530-8645-D691-17/University of Gdansk
  2. BMN 538-8645-B048-15/16/University of Gdansk

MeSH Term

Cloning, Molecular
DNA Cleavage
Deoxyribonuclease I
Gene Library
Substrate Specificity


Deoxyribonuclease I

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0DNAfragmentationtoolcleavageSAMenzymaticdevelopedSINnewTthHB27IlibrariesusedcontrolfrequencyhighdistributionpartialcleavingREasesspecificitiesapproximatelyThermus-familypresenceDMSO6-bp3-bpBACKGROUND:AcoustichydrodynamicshearingsonicationdigestionfragmentHowevermethodsseveraldisadvantagesdamagedifficultiesirreproducibilityunder-representationsegmentsgentlemethodofferingenougheliminatefragmentsbiasalloweasydigeststhreefrequentlynaturalrestrictionendonucleasesdiscovered:CviJISetIFaiIThereforepreviouslytwoartificialevery~ 3-bp:TspGWI/sinefunginTaqII/SINRESULTS:paperpresentthirdspecificity:TthHB27I/SIN-genomicbasedTypeIIS/IIC/IIGREases-methyltransferasesMTasesdimethylsulfoxideS-adenosyl-L-methionineanaloguecognaterecognitionsequence5'-CAARCA-3'convertedcombined32-30-bp'site'statisticalequivalentdistance11/9nt isretainedProtocolsvariousmodeslimiteddigestionsCONCLUSIONS:transformedrarecutterfrequentoneThus TthHB27I/SINcompriseslow-representedsegmentprototypeMoreovermodifiedenzymeuniquelysuitedcontrolleddueinherentfeatureenzymescanquasi-randomgenerationwellmanipulationsrequiringuniformcutsalongRandomizedconstructiontool:'frequentcutter'TthHB27I/sinefunginendonucleasechemically-inducedspecificityGenomicRestrictionendonuclease-methyltransferaseSpecificityrelaxationStaractivityThermophile

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