Pain clinic definitions in the medical literature and U.S. state laws: an integrative systematic review and comparison.

Barbara Andraka-Christou, Joshua B Rager, Brittany Brown-Podgorski, Ross D Silverman, Dennis P Watson
Author Information
  1. Barbara Andraka-Christou: Department of Health Management and Informatics, College of Health and Public Affairs, University of Central Florida, 4364 Scorpius Street, Orlando, FL, 32816, USA. ORCID
  2. Joshua B Rager: School of Medicine, Indiana University, 340 W 10th St #6200, Indianapolis, IN, 46202, USA.
  3. Brittany Brown-Podgorski: Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Indiana University Fairbanks School of Public Health, 1050 Wishard Blvd, Indianapolis, IN, 46202, USA.
  4. Ross D Silverman: Department of Health Policy and Management, Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health, Indiana University, 1050 Wishard Blvd, Indianapolis, IN, 46202, USA.
  5. Dennis P Watson: Department of Social and Behavioral Science, Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health, Indiana University, 1050 Wishard Blvd, Indianapolis, IN, 46202, USA.


BACKGROUND: In response to widespread opioid misuse, ten U.S. states have implemented regulations for facilities that primarily manage and treat chronic pain, called "pain clinics." Whether a clinic falls into a state's pain clinic definition determines the extent to which it is subject to oversight. It is unclear whether state pain clinic definitions model those found in the medical literature, and potential differences lead to discrepancies between scientific and professionally guided advice found in the medical literature and actual pain clinic practice. Identifying discrepancies could assist states to design laws that are more compatible with best practices suggested in the medical literature.
METHODS: We conducted an integrative systematic review to create a taxonomy of pain clinic definitions using academic medical literature. We then identified existing U.S. state pain clinic statutes and regulations and compared the developed taxonomy using a content analysis approach to understand the extent to which medical literature definitions are reflected in state policy.
RESULTS: In the medical literature, we identified eight categories of pain clinic definitions: 1) patient case mix; 2) single-modality treatment; 3) multidisciplinary treatment; 4) interdisciplinary treatment; 5) provider supervision; 6) provider composition; 7) marketing; and 8) outcome. We identified ten states with pain clinic laws. State laws primarily include the following definitional categories: patient case mix; single-modality treatment, and marketing. Some definitional categories commonly found in the medical literature, such as multidisciplinary treatment and interdisciplinary treatment, rarely appear in state law definitions.
CONCLUSIONS: This is the first study to our knowledge to develop a taxonomy of pain clinic definitions and to identify differences between pain clinic definitions in U.S. state law and medical literature. Future work should explore the impact of different legal pain clinic definitions on provider decision-making and state-level health outcomes.



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  1. U17 CE002721/NCIPC CDC HHS
  2. 1U17CE002721/CDC HHS

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Pain Clinics
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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0clinicpainmedicalliteraturedefinitionsstatetreatmentUSreviewstatesfoundlawstaxonomyidentifiedproviderPainopioidtenregulationsprimarilyextentdifferencesdiscrepanciesintegrativesystematicusinganalysispolicycategoriespatientcasemixsingle-modalitymultidisciplinaryinterdisciplinarymarketingdefinitionallawBACKGROUND:responsewidespreadmisuseimplementedfacilitiesmanagetreatchroniccalled"painclinics"Whetherfallsstate'sdefinitiondeterminessubjectoversightunclearwhethermodelpotentialleadscientificprofessionallyguidedadviceactualpracticeIdentifyingassistdesigncompatiblebestpracticessuggestedMETHODS:conductedcreateacademicexistingstatutescompareddevelopedcontentapproachunderstandreflectedRESULTS:eightdefinitions:12345supervision6composition78outcomeStateincludefollowingcategories:commonlyrarelyappearCONCLUSIONS:firststudyknowledgedevelopidentifyFutureworkexploreimpactdifferentlegaldecision-makingstate-levelhealthoutcomeslaws:comparisonContentIntegrativeSystematic

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