Inside help: An integrative review of champions in healthcare-related implementation.

Edward J Miech, Nicholas A Rattray, Mindy E Flanagan, Laura Damschroder, Arlene A Schmid, Teresa M Damush
Author Information
  1. Edward J Miech: VA Precision Monitoring (PRIS-M) QUERI, Richard L. Roudebush VA Medical Center, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. ORCID
  2. Nicholas A Rattray: VA Precision Monitoring (PRIS-M) QUERI, Richard L. Roudebush VA Medical Center, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.
  3. Mindy E Flanagan: VA Precision Monitoring (PRIS-M) QUERI, Richard L. Roudebush VA Medical Center, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.
  4. Laura Damschroder: VA Health Services Research & Development Center for Clinical Management Research, VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.
  5. Arlene A Schmid: Department of Occupational Therapy, Colorado State University, College of Health and Human Sciences, Fort Collins, CO, USA.
  6. Teresa M Damush: VA Precision Monitoring (PRIS-M) QUERI, Richard L. Roudebush VA Medical Center, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.


BACKGROUND/AIMS: The idea that champions are crucial to effective healthcare-related implementation has gained broad acceptance; yet the champion construct has been hampered by inconsistent use across the published literature. This integrative review sought to establish the current state of the literature on champions in healthcare settings and bring greater clarity to this important construct.
METHODS: This integrative review was limited to research articles in peer-reviewed, English-language journals published from 1980 to 2016. Searches were conducted on the online MEDLINE database via OVID and PubMed using the keyword "champion." Several additional terms often describe champions and were also included as keywords: implementation leader, opinion leader, facilitator, and change agent. Bibliographies of full-text articles that met inclusion criteria were reviewed for additional references not yet identified via the main strategy of conducting keyword searches in MEDLINE. A five-member team abstracted all full-text articles meeting inclusion criteria.
RESULTS: The final dataset for the integrative review consisted of 199 unique articles. Use of the term champion varied widely across the articles with respect to topic, specific job positions, or broader organizational roles. The most common method for operationalizing champion for purposes of analysis was the use of a dichotomous variable designating champion presence or absence. Four studies randomly allocated of the presence or absence of champions.
CONCLUSIONS: The number of published champion-related articles has markedly increased: more articles were published during the last two years of this review (i.e. 2015-2016) than during its first 30 years (i.e. 1980-2009).The number of champion-related articles has continued to increase sharply since the year 2000. Individual studies consistently found that champions were important positive influences on implementation effectiveness. Although few in number, the randomized trials of champions that have been conducted demonstrate the feasibility of using experimental design to study the effects of champions in healthcare.



  1. Implement Sci. 2012 Aug 30;7:80 [PMID: 22935241]
  2. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs. 2012 Jul-Aug;39(4):385-90 [PMID: 22652935]
  3. Am Heart J. 2006 Sep;152(3):579-84 [PMID: 16923434]
  4. Clin Nurs Res. 2014 Apr;23(2):201-15 [PMID: 24121464]
  5. J Gen Intern Med. 2013 Mar;28(3):353-62 [PMID: 23054917]
  6. J Youth Adolesc. 2013 Jul;42(7):994-1014 [PMID: 23111845]
  7. Med Care. 2004 Nov;42(11):1040-8 [PMID: 15586830]
  8. J Sci Med Sport. 2006 Oct;9(5):413-23 [PMID: 16884957]
  9. Nicotine Tob Res. 2007 Mar;9(3):341-9 [PMID: 17365766]
  10. J Am Board Fam Pract. 2000 Sep-Oct;13(5):338-48 [PMID: 11001004]
  11. J Sch Health. 2000 Mar;70(3):95-103 [PMID: 10763477]
  12. Implement Sci. 2009 Aug 07;4:50 [PMID: 19664226]
  13. J Am Board Fam Med. 2012 Sep-Oct;25(5):676-85 [PMID: 22956703]
  14. J Occup Environ Med. 2013 Apr;55(4):424-9 [PMID: 23302702]
  15. J Adv Nurs. 2005 Dec;52(5):546-53 [PMID: 16268861]
  16. Can Fam Physician. 2014 Jul;60(7):e362-71 [PMID: 25022655]
  17. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2010 Mar;36(3):109-16 [PMID: 20235412]
  18. Child Welfare. 2011;90(6):169-86 [PMID: 22533048]
  19. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2013 Mar;28(3):221-6 [PMID: 22555988]
  20. Prev Med. 1998 Sep-Oct;27(5 Pt 1):702-12 [PMID: 9808802]
  21. Implement Sci. 2009 Jul 14;4:38 [PMID: 19594942]
  22. Pediatrics. 2003 Nov;112(5):1076-82 [PMID: 14595049]
  23. Health Info Libr J. 2009 Jun;26(2):91-108 [PMID: 19490148]
  24. Int J Health Care Qual Assur. 2012;25(2):118-33 [PMID: 22455177]
  25. Diabetes Educ. 2009 Sep-Oct;35(5):713-4, 716-8, 721-2 passim [PMID: 19671915]
  26. Am J Med Qual. 2012 Jan-Feb;27(1):5-10 [PMID: 22031177]
  27. Implement Sci. 2013 May 10;8:51 [PMID: 23663819]
  28. Soc Sci Med. 2012 Feb;74(3):348-355 [PMID: 21444137]
  29. Qual Prim Care. 2011;19(1):49-57 [PMID: 21703112]
  30. Am J Prev Med. 2001 Apr;20(3):184-9 [PMID: 11275444]
  31. BMC Fam Pract. 2012 Mar 20;13:22 [PMID: 22433118]
  32. Addiction. 2013 Sep;108(9):1532-3 [PMID: 23718564]
  33. Am J Prev Med. 2011 Nov;41(5):457-64 [PMID: 22011415]
  34. Qual Saf Health Care. 2009 Dec;18(6):434-40 [PMID: 19955453]
  35. Health Educ Res. 2012 Jun;27(3):385-98 [PMID: 22323279]
  36. Adv Skin Wound Care. 2013 Feb;26(2):83-92; quiz p.93-4 [PMID: 23337649]
  37. Implement Sci. 2015 Jan 08;10:2 [PMID: 25567126]
  38. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2011 Nov;96(6):F434-9 [PMID: 21393310]
  39. Implement Sci. 2011 Feb 28;6:15 [PMID: 21356080]
  40. J Emerg Med. 2010 Feb;38(2):122-30, quiz 130-2 [PMID: 18650051]
  41. Can J Infect Control. 2009 Fall;24(3):159-64 [PMID: 19891169]
  42. Healthc Q. 2009;12 Spec No Patient:123-8 [PMID: 19667789]

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0championsarticlesreviewimplementationintegrativechampionpublishednumberhealthcare-relatedyetconstructuseacrossliteraturehealthcareimportantresearchconductedMEDLINEviausingkeywordadditionalleaderfull-textinclusioncriteriapresenceabsencestudieschampion-relatedieBACKGROUND/AIMS:ideacrucialeffectivegainedbroadacceptancehamperedinconsistentsoughtestablishcurrentstatesettingsbringgreaterclarityMETHODS:limitedpeer-reviewedEnglish-languagejournals19802016SearchesonlinedatabaseOVIDPubMed"champion"Severaltermsoftendescribealsoincludedkeywords:opinionfacilitatorchangeagentBibliographiesmetreviewedreferencesidentifiedmainstrategyconductingsearchesfive-memberteamabstractedmeetingRESULTS:finaldatasetconsisted199uniqueUsetermvariedwidelyrespecttopicspecificjobpositionsbroaderorganizationalrolescommonmethodoperationalizingpurposesanalysisdichotomousvariabledesignatingFourrandomlyallocatedCONCLUSIONS:markedlyincreased:lasttwoyears2015-2016first30 years1980-2009Thecontinuedincreasesharplysinceyear2000IndividualconsistentlyfoundpositiveinfluenceseffectivenessAlthoughrandomizedtrialsdemonstratefeasibilityexperimentaldesignstudyeffectsInsidehelp:Nursing

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