Island size distribution with hindered aggregation.

Diego Luis González, Manuel Camargo, Julián A Sánchez
Author Information
  1. Diego Luis González: Departamento de Física, Universidad del Valle, A.A. 25360, Cali, Colombia.
  2. Manuel Camargo: CICBA, Universidad Antonio Nariño-Campus Farallones, Km 18 vía Cali-Jamundí, Cali, Colombia.
  3. Julián A Sánchez: Departamento de Física, Universidad del Valle, A.A. 25360, Cali, Colombia.


We study the effect of hindered aggregation on the island formation processes for a one-dimensional model of epitaxial growth with arbitrary nucleus size i. In the proposed model, the attachment of monomers to islands is hindered by an aggregation barrier, ε_{a}, which decreases the hopping rate of monomers to the islands. As ε_{a} increases, the system exhibits a crossover between two different regimes; namely, from diffusion-limited aggregation to attachment-limited aggregation. The island size distribution, P(s), is calculated for different values of ε_{a} by a self-consistent approach involving the nucleation and aggregation capture kernels. The results given by the analytical model are compared with those from kinetic Monte Carlo simulations, finding a close agreement between both sets of data for all considered values of i and ε_{a}. As the aggregation barrier increases, the spatial effect of fluctuations on the density of monomers can be neglected and P(s) smoothly approximates to the limit distribution P(s)=δ_{s,i+1}. In the crossover regime the system features a complex and rich behavior, which can be explained in terms of the characteristic timescales of different microscopic processes.

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0aggregationε_{a}hinderedmodelsizemonomersdifferentdistributionPseffectislandprocessesislandsbarrierincreasessystemcrossovervaluescanstudyformationone-dimensionalepitaxialgrowtharbitrarynucleusproposedattachmentdecreaseshoppingrateexhibitstworegimesnamelydiffusion-limitedattachment-limitedcalculatedself-consistentapproachinvolvingnucleationcapturekernelsresultsgivenanalyticalcomparedkineticMonteCarlosimulationsfindingcloseagreementsetsdataconsideredspatialfluctuationsdensityneglectedsmoothlyapproximateslimit=δ_{si+1}regimefeaturescomplexrichbehaviorexplainedtermscharacteristictimescalesmicroscopicIsland

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