IoT Hierarchical Topology Strategy and Intelligentize Evaluation System of Diesel Engine in Complexity Environment.

Jiangshan Liu, Ming Chen, Tangfeng Yang, Jie Wu
Author Information
  1. Jiangshan Liu: School of Mechanical Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China. ORCID
  2. Ming Chen: School of Mechanical Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China.
  3. Tangfeng Yang: Kunming Yunnei Power Co., Ltd., Kunming 650217, China.
  4. Jie Wu: School of Mechanical Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China.


In complex discrete manufacturing environment, there used to be a poor network and an isolated information island in production line, which led to slow information feedback and low utilization ratio, hindering the construction of enterprise intelligence. To solve these problems, uncertain factors in the production process and demands of sensor network were analyzed; hierarchical topology design method and the deployment strategy of the complexity industrial internet of things were proposed; and a big data analysis model and a system security protection system based on the network were established. The weight of each evaluation index was calculated using analytic hierarchy process, which established the intelligentized evaluation system and model. An actual production scene was also selected to validate the feasibility of the method. A diesel engine production workshop and the enterprise MES were used as an example to establish a network topology. The intelligence level based on both subjective and objective factors were evaluated and analyzed considering both quantitative and qualitative aspects. Analysis results show that the network topology design method and the intelligentize evaluation system were feasible, could improve the intelligence level effectively, and the network framework was expansible.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0networksystemproductiontopologyevaluationintelligencemethodenvironmentusedinformationenterprisefactorsprocesssensoranalyzeddesignstrategycomplexitymodelbasedestablishedlevelintelligentizecomplexdiscretemanufacturingpoorisolatedislandlineledslowfeedbacklowutilizationratiohinderingconstructionsolveproblemsuncertaindemandshierarchicaldeploymentindustrialinternetthingsproposedbigdataanalysissecurityprotectionweightindexcalculatedusinganalytichierarchyintelligentizedactualscenealsoselectedvalidatefeasibilitydieselengineworkshopMESexampleestablishsubjectiveobjectiveevaluatedconsideringquantitativequalitativeaspectsAnalysisresultsshowfeasibleimproveeffectivelyframeworkexpansibleIoTHierarchicalTopologyStrategyIntelligentizeEvaluationSystemDieselEngineComplexityEnvironmentAHP

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