Fostering Strategies to Expand the Consumption of Edible Insects: The Value of a Tripartite Coalition between Academia, Industry, and Government.

Joel B Mason, Richard Black, Sarah L Booth, Andrew Brentano, Bill Broadbent, Peggy Connolly, John Finley, Jarrod Goldin, Tim Griffin, Kelly Hagen, Julie Lesnik, Gabi Lewis, Zhongli Pan, Juan Morales Ramos, Mark Ranalli, Guadalupe Rojas, Marianne Shockley, Valerie J Stull, Dariusz Swietlik
Author Information
  1. Joel B Mason: USDA Human Nutrition Research Center at Tufts University, Boston, MA.
  2. Richard Black: Quadrant D Consulting, West Harrison, NY.
  3. Sarah L Booth: USDA Human Nutrition Research Center at Tufts University, Boston, MA.
  4. Andrew Brentano: Tiny Farms, Inc., San Leandro, CA. ORCID
  5. Bill Broadbent:, Auburn, ME. ORCID
  6. Peggy Connolly: USDA Human Nutrition Research Center at Tufts University, Boston, MA.
  7. John Finley: USDA-Agricultural Research Service, Beltsville, MD.
  8. Jarrod Goldin: Entomo Farms, Norwood, Ontario, Canada. ORCID
  9. Tim Griffin: Friedman School of Nutritional Science and Policy, Tufts University, Boston, MA.
  10. Kelly Hagen: Entomo Farms, Norwood, Ontario, Canada. ORCID
  11. Julie Lesnik: Department of Anthropology, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI.
  12. Gabi Lewis: EXO, Inc., Brooklyn, NY.
  13. Zhongli Pan: USDA Western Regional Research Center, Albany, CA.
  14. Juan Morales Ramos: National Biological Control Laboratory, Leland, MS.
  15. Mark Ranalli: Tufts University School of Engineering and Gordon Institute, Medford, MA.
  16. Guadalupe Rojas: National Biological Control Laboratory, Leland, MS. ORCID
  17. Marianne Shockley: Department of Entomology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA.
  18. Valerie J Stull: Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI. ORCID
  19. Dariusz Swietlik: USDA-Agricultural Research Service, Beltsville, MD.


Although many insect-based foods are nutritious and often an inexpensive option for human and domesticated animal consumption, there remains a negligible market for such foods in many countries. Several environmental and economic considerations underscore the potential value of insect-based foods, and emerging science suggests that diets incorporating such foods might also convey some genuine health benefits. However, if expanded markets for insect-based foods in cultures naïve to entomophagy are to be pursued, it will be important to develop multifaceted and coordinated strategies to ) delineate authentic health benefits, ) explore means of optimizing insect husbandry and food processing, ) examine cultural barriers to acceptance, ) formulate workable approaches to marketing, and ) address relevant food regulations. We sought to construct a multidisciplinary coalition whose goals are to investigate the above-mentioned 5 issues. Eighteen individuals from government, industry, and academia, with collective expertise in the fields of entomology, insect husbandry, human nutrition, sustainable agriculture, entomophagy, consumer product development and marketing, food-processing technologies, food regulatory affairs, and the anthropology of food selection, convened a 1-d summit and formed a tripartite organization to integrate their varied perspectives. Collaborative efforts are underway among members of this coalition to accomplish these multiple goals. Coordinating efforts between accomplished experts in relevant fields of academia, government, and industry will greatly expand our knowledge of and appreciation for the potential benefits of insect-based foodstuffs to individuals, to society, and to the sustainability of the global food supply, and thereby inform us as to how to proceed in a judicious and intelligent manner.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0foodfoodsinsect-basedbenefitscoalitionmanyhumanpotentialhealthentomophagywillinsecthusbandrymarketingrelevantgoalsindividualsgovernmentindustryacademiafieldseffortssustainabilityAlthoughnutritiousofteninexpensiveoptiondomesticatedanimalconsumptionremainsnegligiblemarketcountriesSeveralenvironmentaleconomicconsiderationsunderscorevalueemergingsciencesuggestsdietsincorporatingmightalsoconveygenuineHoweverexpandedmarketsculturesnaïvepursuedimportantdevelopmultifacetedcoordinatedstrategiesdelineateauthenticexploremeansoptimizingprocessingexamineculturalbarriersacceptanceformulateworkableapproachesaddressregulationssoughtconstructmultidisciplinarywhoseinvestigateabove-mentioned5issuesEighteencollectiveexpertiseentomologynutritionsustainableagricultureconsumerproductdevelopmentfood-processingtechnologiesregulatoryaffairsanthropologyselectionconvened1-dsummitformedtripartiteorganizationintegratevariedperspectivesCollaborativeunderwayamongmembersaccomplishmultipleCoordinatingaccomplishedexpertsgreatlyexpandknowledgeappreciationfoodstuffssocietyglobalsupplytherebyinformusproceedjudiciousintelligentmannerFosteringStrategiesExpandConsumptionEdibleInsects:ValueTripartiteCoalitionAcademiaIndustryGovernmentcricketedibleinsectswhitepaper

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