Predatory journals: a major threat in orthopaedic research.

Markus Rupp, Lydia Anastasopoulou, Elke Wintermeyer, Deeksha Malhaan, Thaqif El Khassawna, Christian Heiss
Author Information
  1. Markus Rupp: Department of Trauma, Hand and Reconstructive Surgery, University Hospital Giessen-Marburg GmbH, Campus Giessen, Rudolf-Buchheim-Strasse 7, 35385, Giessen, Germany. ORCID
  2. Lydia Anastasopoulou: Department of Trauma, Hand and Reconstructive Surgery, University Hospital Giessen-Marburg GmbH, Campus Giessen, Rudolf-Buchheim-Strasse 7, 35385, Giessen, Germany.
  3. Elke Wintermeyer: Department of Trauma and Reconstructive Surgery, BG Trauma Center Tuebingen, Eberhard Karls University Tuebingen, Schnarrenbergstrasse 95, 72076, Tuebingen, Germany.
  4. Deeksha Malhaan: Experimental Trauma Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Justus-Liebig University Giessen, Aulweg 128, 35392, Giessen, Germany.
  5. Thaqif El Khassawna: Experimental Trauma Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Justus-Liebig University Giessen, Aulweg 128, 35392, Giessen, Germany.
  6. Christian Heiss: Department of Trauma, Hand and Reconstructive Surgery, University Hospital Giessen-Marburg GmbH, Campus Giessen, Rudolf-Buchheim-Strasse 7, 35385, Giessen, Germany.


Predatory publishing is a major threat to contemporary publishing, as it offers 'to unaware scientist's', a quick open-access publication against fees without peer-review procedures.. Lack of peer-review leads to unethical practices, as plagiarism, publication of unscientific falsified data, and even unsafe clinical practices. As these journals threaten the credibility of academic publishing, significant work has been done from many scientific teams, in the last years, in establishing discriminating criteria between predatory and legitimate publishing. In the present review, we include mechanisms used by predatory editors to convince eager researchers to submit to their journals. We also provide useful links giving information about potential predatory journals and publishers, as well as scholarly writing. Joining the efforts of different scientific disciplines which compiled "green" lists with journals in their field, we conducted a "green" list with genuine orthopaedic research journals based on the directory of open-access journals (DOAJ) and Thomson Reuters journal citation reports. Ninety-six legitimate orthopaedic journals were identified based on the Thomson Reuters journal citation reports. One hundred thirty hits were found on the DOAJ site using the keywords "orthopaedics, orthopedics, sports medicine, musculoskeletal, trauma, traumatology, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, cartilage, bone, hand, shoulder, knee, hip, foot, wound." Twenty-one journals on the DOAJ site occurred overlapping with keywords. Researchers and clinicians in the field of orthopaedics are advised to use all available tools in order to recognize predatory practices and avoid publishing in predatory journals.



  1. Int Orthop. 2015 Aug;39(8):1459-64 [PMID: 25947897]
  2. Sci Eng Ethics. 2019 Feb;25(1):293-321 [PMID: 28905258]
  3. Skinmed. 2017 Jun 01;15(3):167-168 [PMID: 28705273]
  4. Int Orthop. 2014 Jan;38(1):1-5 [PMID: 24297610]
  5. Med J Armed Forces India. 2017 Apr;73(2):178-180 [PMID: 28924320]
  6. Int Orthop. 2017 Apr;41(4):689-697 [PMID: 28054202]
  7. Nature. 2017 Sep 6;549(7670):23-25 [PMID: 28880300]
  8. BMC Med. 2015 Oct 01;13:230 [PMID: 26423063]
  9. FEMS Microbiol Lett. 2016 Jun;363(12): [PMID: 27190154]
  10. Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 2016 Feb;98(2):77-9 [PMID: 26829665]
  11. Neuroscience. 2017 Jun 14;353:166-173 [PMID: 28433651]
  12. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2018 Sep;32(9):1441-1449 [PMID: 29729106]
  13. BMC Med. 2017 Mar 16;15(1):28 [PMID: 28298236]
  14. Res Integr Peer Rev. 2018 May 23;3:4 [PMID: 29850109]
  15. J R Coll Physicians Edinb. 2017 Mar;47(1):3-4 [PMID: 28569273]
  16. Actas Urol Esp. 2009 Jul-Aug;33(7):732-40 [PMID: 19757657]
  17. Med J Armed Forces India. 2018 Apr;74(2):165-168 [PMID: 29692485]
  18. Nature. 2012 Sep 13;489(7415):179 [PMID: 22972258]
  19. J Korean Med Sci. 2016 Oct;31(10):1511-3 [PMID: 27550476]
  20. Int Orthop. 2014 Aug;38(8):1723-9 [PMID: 24271502]
  21. J Am Psychiatr Nurses Assoc. 2017 Jul/Aug;23(4):239-240 [PMID: 28678653]
  22. J Neurosci. 2006 Sep 20;26(38):9606-8 [PMID: 16988030]
  23. J Clin Epidemiol. 2011 Mar;64(3):331-8 [PMID: 20947295]
  24. Int Orthop. 2013 Apr;37(4):561-7 [PMID: 23329405]
  25. Nature. 2016 Jun 15;534(7607):326 [PMID: 27306178]
  26. Acta Med Port. 2018 Mar 29;31(3):184-185 [PMID: 29790475]
  27. BMJ. 2015 Jan 16;350:h210 [PMID: 25596387]
  28. Int Orthop. 2014 Aug;38(8):1547-8 [PMID: 24966081]
  29. Int J Nurs Pract. 2018 Apr;24 Suppl 1:e12656 [PMID: 29667312]
  30. PLoS One. 2016 Jan 29;11(1):e0147913 [PMID: 26824759]
  31. West J Emerg Med. 2016 Sep;17(5):497-507 [PMID: 27625710]
  32. Gastrointest Endosc. 2018 Jan;87(1):273-274 [PMID: 29174298]

MeSH Term

Biomedical Research
Open Access Publishing
Peer Review, Research
Periodicals as Topic

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0journalspublishingpredatoryPredatorypracticesorthopaedicDOAJmajorthreatopen-accesspublicationpeer-reviewscientificlegitimate"green"fieldresearchbasedThomsonReutersjournalcitationreportssitekeywordscontemporaryoffers'tounawarescientist's' aquickfeeswithoutproceduresLackleadsunethicalplagiarismunscientificfalsifieddataevenunsafeclinicalthreatencredibilityacademicsignificantworkdonemanyteamslastyearsestablishingdiscriminatingcriteriapresentreviewincludemechanismsusededitorsconvinceeagerresearcherssubmitalsoprovideusefullinksgivinginformationpotentialpublisherswellscholarlywritingJoiningeffortsdifferentdisciplinescompiledlistsconductedlistgenuinedirectoryNinety-sixidentifiedOnehundredthirtyhitsfoundusing"orthopaedicsorthopedicssportsmedicinemusculoskeletaltraumatraumatologyosteoarthritisosteoporosiscartilagebonehandshoulderkneehipfootwound"Twenty-oneoccurredoverlappingResearcherscliniciansorthopaedicsadviseduseavailabletoolsorderrecognizeavoidjournals:LegitimateOpenaccess

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