Accurate and efficient numerical simulation of dielectrically anisotropic particles.

Huanxin Wu, Erik Luijten
Author Information
  1. Huanxin Wu: Department of Physics and Astronomy, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 60208, USA.
  2. Erik Luijten: Department of Physics and Astronomy, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 60208, USA. ORCID


A variety of electrostatic phenomena, including the structure of electric double layers and the aggregation of charged colloids and proteins, are affected by nonuniform electric permittivity. These effects are frequently ignored in analytical and computational studies and particularly difficult to handle in situations where multiple dielectric contrasts are present, such as in colloids that are heterogeneous in permittivity. We present an extension to the Iterative Dielectric Solver developed by Barros and Luijten [Phys. Rev. Lett. , 017801 (2014)] that makes it possible to accurately compute the polarization of anisotropic particles with multiple dielectric contrasts. This efficient boundary-element-method-based approach is applicable to geometries that are not amenable to other solvers, opening the possibility of studying collective phenomena of dielectrically anisotropic particles. We provide insight into the underlying physical reasons for this efficiency.

MeSH Term

Computer Simulation
Electric Conductivity
Models, Chemical
Particle Size
Static Electricity



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0anisotropicparticlesphenomenaelectriccolloidspermittivitymultipledielectriccontrastspresentefficientdielectricallyvarietyelectrostaticincludingstructuredoublelayersaggregationchargedproteinsaffectednonuniformeffectsfrequentlyignoredanalyticalcomputationalstudiesparticularlydifficulthandlesituationsheterogeneousextensionIterativeDielectricSolverdevelopedBarrosLuijten[PhysRevLett0178012014]makespossibleaccuratelycomputepolarizationboundary-element-method-basedapproachapplicablegeometriesamenablesolversopeningpossibilitystudyingcollectiveprovideinsightunderlyingphysicalreasonsefficiencyAccuratenumericalsimulation

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