Are fungal strains from salinized streams adapted to salt-rich conditions?

Ana Lúcia Gonçalves, Adriana Carvalho, Felix Bärlocher, Cristina Canhoto
Author Information
  1. Ana Lúcia Gonçalves: CFE, Centre for Functional Ecology, Department of Life Sciences, University of Coimbra, Calçada Martim de Freitas, 3000-456 Coimbra, Portugal ORCID
  2. Adriana Carvalho: CFE, Centre for Functional Ecology, Department of Life Sciences, University of Coimbra, Calçada Martim de Freitas, 3000-456 Coimbra, Portugal.
  3. Felix Bärlocher: Department of Biology, Mt. Allison University, Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada E4L1G7.
  4. Cristina Canhoto: CFE, Centre for Functional Ecology, Department of Life Sciences, University of Coimbra, Calçada Martim de Freitas, 3000-456 Coimbra, Portugal.


Anthropogenic salinization of freshwater is a global problem with largely unknown consequences for stream functions. We compared the effects of salt addition (6 g l NaCl) in microcosms on leaf mass loss and microbial parameters in single- and multispecies assemblages of fungal strains (, HELU; , TEMA; , FLCU) isolated from a reference (R) or salinized (S) stream. Fungal growth and interactions were also assessed. Salinization inhibited leaf decomposition and fungal biomass, but no differences were observed between species, strains or species combinations. Sporulation rates in monocultures were not affected by added salt, but differed among species (FLCU > HELU > TEMA), with S strains releasing more conidia. Fungal assemblages did not differ significantly in total conidia production (either between strains or medium salt concentration). HELU was the dominant species, which also had highest growth and most pronounced antagonistic behaviour. Fungal species, irrespective of origin, largely maintained their function in salinized streams. Strains from salt-contaminated streams did not trade-off conidial production for vegetative growth at high salt levels. The expected reduction of fungal diversity and potential changes in nutritional litter quality owing to salinization may impact leaf incorporation into secondary production in streams.This article is part of the theme issue 'Salt in freshwaters: causes, ecological consequences and future prospects'.



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MeSH Term

Adaptation, Biological



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0saltstrainsspeciesfungalstreamsleafHELUsalinizedFungalgrowthproductionsalinizationlargelyconsequencesstreamassemblagesTEMAFLCUSinteractionsalsodecomposition>conidiaAnthropogenicfreshwaterglobalproblemunknownfunctionscomparedeffectsaddition6glNaClmicrocosmsmasslossmicrobialparameterssingle-multispeciesisolatedreferenceRassessedSalinizationinhibitedbiomassdifferencesobservedcombinationsSporulationratesmonoculturesaffectedaddeddifferedamongreleasingdiffersignificantlytotaleithermediumconcentrationdominanthighestpronouncedantagonisticbehaviourirrespectiveoriginmaintainedfunctionStrainssalt-contaminatedtrade-offconidialvegetativehighlevelsexpectedreductiondiversitypotentialchangesnutritionallitterqualityowingmayimpactincorporationsecondaryThisarticlepartthemeissue'Saltfreshwaters:causesecologicalfutureprospects'adaptedsalt-richconditions?antagonismaquatichyphomycetes

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