A Type IIb, but Not Type IIa, GnRH Receptor Mediates GnRH-Induced Release of Growth Hormone in the Ricefield Eel.

Dong Chen, Wei Yang, Shiying Han, Huiyi Yang, Xin Cen, Jiang Liu, Lihong Zhang, Weimin Zhang
Author Information
  1. Dong Chen: Institute of Aquatic Economic Animals and Guangdong Province Key Laboratory for Aquatic Economic Animals, School of Life Sciences, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China.
  2. Wei Yang: Institute of Aquatic Economic Animals and Guangdong Province Key Laboratory for Aquatic Economic Animals, School of Life Sciences, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China.
  3. Shiying Han: Institute of Aquatic Economic Animals and Guangdong Province Key Laboratory for Aquatic Economic Animals, School of Life Sciences, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China.
  4. Huiyi Yang: Institute of Aquatic Economic Animals and Guangdong Province Key Laboratory for Aquatic Economic Animals, School of Life Sciences, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China.
  5. Xin Cen: Institute of Aquatic Economic Animals and Guangdong Province Key Laboratory for Aquatic Economic Animals, School of Life Sciences, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China.
  6. Jiang Liu: Institute of Aquatic Economic Animals and Guangdong Province Key Laboratory for Aquatic Economic Animals, School of Life Sciences, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China.
  7. Lihong Zhang: Institute of Aquatic Economic Animals and Guangdong Province Key Laboratory for Aquatic Economic Animals, School of Life Sciences, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China.
  8. Weimin Zhang: Institute of Aquatic Economic Animals and Guangdong Province Key Laboratory for Aquatic Economic Animals, School of Life Sciences, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China.


Multiple gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptors (GnRHRs) are present in vertebrates, but their differential physiological relevances remain to be clarified. In the present study, we identified three GnRH ligands GnRH1 (pjGnRH), GnRH2 (cGnRH-II), and GnRH3 (sGnRH) from the brain, and two GnRH receptors GnRHR1 (GnRHR IIa) and GnRHR2 (GnRHR IIb) from the pituitary of the ricefield eel . GnRH1 and GnRH3 but not GnRH2 immunoreactive neurons were detected in the pre-optic area, hypothalamus, and pituitary, suggesting that GnRH1 and GnRH3 may exert hypophysiotropic roles in ricefield eels. mRNA was mainly detected in the pituitary, whereas mRNA broadly in tissues of both females and males. In the pituitary, GnRHR1 and GnRHR2 immunoreactive cells were differentially distributed, with GnRHR1 immunoreactive cells mainly in peripheral areas of the adenohypophysis whereas GnRHR2 immunoreactive cells in the multicellular layers of adenohypophysis adjacent to the neurohypophysis. Dual-label fluorescent immunostaining showed that GnRHR2 but not GnRHR1 was localized to somatotropes, and all somatotropes are GnRHR2-positive cells and vice versa at all stages examined. GnRH1 and GnRH3 were shown to stimulate growth hormone (Gh) release from primary culture of pituitary cells, and to decrease Gh contents in the pituitary of ricefield eels 12 h post injection. GnRH1 and GnRH3 stimulated Gh release probably via PLC/IP/PKC and Ca pathways. These results, as a whole, suggested that GnRHs may bind to GnRHR2 but not GnRHR1 to trigger Gh release in ricefield eels, and provided novel information on differential roles of multiple GnRH receptors in vertebrates.



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Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0pituitaryGnRHGnRH1GnRH3GnRHR1GnRHR2ricefieldcellsGhimmunoreactivereleasereceptorsGnRHReelshormonepresentvertebratesdifferentialGnRH2IIaIIbeeldetectedmayrolesmRNAmainlywhereasadenohypophysissomatotropesTypeMultiplegonadotropin-releasingGnRHRsphysiologicalrelevancesremainclarifiedstudyidentifiedthreeligandspjGnRHcGnRH-IIsGnRHbraintwoneuronspre-opticareahypothalamussuggestingexerthypophysiotropicbroadlytissuesfemalesmalesdifferentiallydistributedperipheralareasmulticellularlayersadjacentneurohypophysisDual-labelfluorescentimmunostainingshowedlocalizedGnRHR2-positiveviceversastagesexaminedshownstimulategrowthprimaryculturedecreasecontents12hpostinjectionstimulatedprobablyviaPLC/IP/PKCCapathwaysresultswholesuggestedGnRHsbindtriggerprovidednovelinformationmultipleReceptorMediatesGnRH-InducedReleaseGrowthHormoneRicefieldEelMonopterusalbussomatotrope

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