An intervention to improve pneumococcal vaccination uptake in high risk 50-64 year olds vs. expanded age-based recommendations: an exploratory cost-effectiveness analysis.

Angela R Wateska, Mary Patricia Nowalk, Chyongchiou J Lin, Lee H Harrison, William Schaffner, Richard K Zimmerman, Kenneth J Smith
Author Information
  1. Angela R Wateska: a Departments of Medicine and Family Medicine , University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine , Pittsburgh , PA , USA. ORCID
  2. Mary Patricia Nowalk: a Departments of Medicine and Family Medicine , University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine , Pittsburgh , PA , USA.
  3. Chyongchiou J Lin: a Departments of Medicine and Family Medicine , University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine , Pittsburgh , PA , USA.
  4. Lee H Harrison: a Departments of Medicine and Family Medicine , University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine , Pittsburgh , PA , USA.
  5. William Schaffner: b Department of Health Policy , Vanderbilt University School of Medicine , Nashville , TN , USA. ORCID
  6. Richard K Zimmerman: a Departments of Medicine and Family Medicine , University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine , Pittsburgh , PA , USA.
  7. Kenneth J Smith: a Departments of Medicine and Family Medicine , University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine , Pittsburgh , PA , USA.


In the U.S., pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPSV23) uptake among high-risk adults aged <65 years is consistently low and improvement is needed. One barrier to improved vaccine coverage is the complexity of the adult vaccination schedule. This exploratory analysis compared the cost-effectiveness of strategies to increase pneumococcal vaccine uptake in high-risk adults aged 50-64 years. We used a Markov model to compare strategies for non-immunocompromised 50-64 year olds: 1) current pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPSV23) recommendations; 2) current recommendations enhanced by an intervention; 3) PPSV23 plus pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) for high-risk patients with no intervention; or 4) both vaccines for all 50-year-olds with no intervention. Parameters included CDC data and other US data, varied extensively in sensitivity analyses. In the analysis, vaccinating high-risk individuals with PPSV23/PCV13 was the least costly strategy, with total costs of $424/person. Vaccinating all 50 year olds with PPSV23/PCV13 cost $40 more and gained 0.00068 quality-adjusted life years (QALY), or $57,786/QALY gained. Current recommendations with or without an intervention program were more expensive and less effective than other strategies. In multi-way sensitivity analyses, the current recommendations/intervention program strategy was favored at a $100,000/QALY threshold only if non-bacteremic pneumococcal pneumonia rate or PCV13 serotype coverage were substantially lower than base case values. Thus, an intervention program to improve pneumococcal vaccine uptake among high-risk 50-64 year-olds was not cost-effective in most scenarios. High-risk individuals receiving both PCV13 and PPSV23 could be economically favorable, and vaccinating all 50-year-olds with both vaccines could be considered.



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  1. K07 AG052668/NIA NIH HHS
  2. P30 AG024827/NIA NIH HHS
  3. R01 AI116575/NIAID NIH HHS

MeSH Term

Age Factors
Cost-Benefit Analysis
Databases, Factual
Health Plan Implementation
Immunization Schedule
Markov Chains
Middle Aged
Pneumococcal Vaccines
Pneumonia, Pneumococcal
Practice Guidelines as Topic
Quality-Adjusted Life Years
Vaccination Coverage


13-valent pneumococcal vaccine
23-valent pneumococcal capsular polysaccharide vaccine
Pneumococcal Vaccines

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0pneumococcalvaccineinterventionhigh-riskPPSV23uptakeanalysisvaccinationcost-effectivenessstrategies50-64yearcurrentrecommendationsPCV13analysesprogrampolysaccharideamongadultsagedcoverageexploratoryvaccines50-year-oldsdatasensitivityvaccinatingindividualsPPSV23/PCV13strategyoldsgainedimproveUS<65 yearsconsistentlylowimprovementneededOnebarrierimprovedcomplexityadultschedulecomparedincrease50-64 yearsusedMarkovmodelcomparenon-immunocompromisedolds:12enhanced3plusconjugatepatients4ParametersincludedCDCUSvariedextensivelyleastcostlytotalcosts$424/personVaccinating50cost$40000068quality-adjustedlifeyearsQALY$57786/QALYCurrentwithoutexpensivelesseffectivemulti-wayrecommendations/interventionfavored$100000/QALYthresholdnon-bacteremicpneumoniarateserotypesubstantiallylowerbasecasevaluesThusyear-oldscost-effectivescenariosHigh-riskreceivingeconomicallyfavorableconsideredhighriskvsexpandedage-basedrecommendations:Adultdecisionimplementationprograms

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