Precision medicine (PM) is an approach that has the power to create the best effect and safety of medicine and treatment with the least side effects for each person. PM is very helpful as sometimes due to inaccurate or late diagnosis or toxicities of the drugs irreversible side effect for patient's health are generated. This seemingly new and emerging science is also effective in preventing disease, due to differences in the genes, environment, and lifestyles of any particular person. PM can be a prominent criterion in infertility research. To achieve this goal, there should be information from a healthy human body, including genetic and molecular information. A PM is an evolution in health care, which is very helpful even economically. The guarantor of the PM success is the examination of the molecular profile of the patient, including genes, proteins, metabolites, . Therefore, genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics-based techniques are very important in this regard. Unfortunately, despite extensive studies on PM practice in various fields, male infertility has remained unresponsive. Given that around 20% of couples around the world suffer from infertility, and almost half of them are related to men's problems, the PM approach has a high potential for male infertility. In this study, with the help of proteomics and metabolomics, PM information on male infertility was explored.