[Digital vaccination management systems may improve immunization rates in primary healthcare].

Jörg Schelling, Isabella Thorvaldsson, Linda Sanftenberg
Author Information
  1. Jörg Schelling: Gemeinschaftspraxis Martinsried, Röntgenstraße 2, 82152, Martinsried, Deutschland. joerg.schelling@med.uni-muenchen.de.
  2. Isabella Thorvaldsson: Praxis Dr. Böhm, München, Deutschland.
  3. Linda Sanftenberg: Institut für Allgemeinmedizin, Klinikum der Universität München, LMU München, München, Deutschland.


In 2018, the Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO) included various practice-relevant procedures in their recommendations, such as correct vaccination management. Vaccination management thereby follows the established quality management (QM) standards of DIN EN ISO 9000 ff. and may be promoted through the implementation of vaccination software systems.This article evaluates the significance and feasibility of standardized vaccination management in the daily practice of physicians in primary healthcare. Consequently, a selective literature research was conducted, including public recommendations, clinical trials, observational studies, and systematic reviews.Four levels of vaccination management can be identified: based on the patient, the vaccine, the personnel, and the storage. Many studies indicate an increase of immunization rates in Germany after the implementation of reminder and recall systems for healthcare workers and patients. Additionally, such software solutions might provide assistance in further aspects of vaccination management, such as stock documentation, constant follow-up orders or medical billing terms. Although many physicians in the primary healthcare system strive for a high quality vaccination process, the importance of the mentioned QM criteria is underestimated in Germany and the usage of vaccination software is rather uncommon.To improve the daily workflow in primary healthcare and to achieve a long-term increase of immunization rates in Germany, vaccination management should be promoted. Improvements could be achieved, especially through the use of appropriate digital vaccination management systems.



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MeSH Term

Database Management Systems
Electronic Health Records
Immunization Programs
Primary Health Care
Quality Improvement
Quality of Health Care
Reminder Systems

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0vaccinationmanagementsystemshealthcareprimaryVaccinationsoftwareimmunizationratesGermanyrecommendationsqualityQMmaypromotedimplementationdailyphysiciansstudiesincreasereminderimprove2018StandingCommitteeSTIKOincludedvariouspractice-relevantprocedurescorrecttherebyfollowsestablishedstandardsDINENISO9000 ffThisarticleevaluatessignificancefeasibilitystandardizedpracticeConsequentlya selectiveliteratureresearchconductedincludingpublicclinicaltrialsobservationalsystematicreviewsFourlevelscanidentified:basedpatientvaccinepersonnelstorageManyindicaterecallworkerspatientsAdditionallysolutionsmightprovideassistanceaspectsstockdocumentationconstantfollow-upordersmedicalbillingtermsAlthoughmanysystemstrivea highprocessimportancementionedcriteriaunderestimatedusageratheruncommonToworkflowachievea long-termImprovementsachievedespeciallyuseappropriatedigital[Digitalhealthcare]ElectronicrecordManagementPrimaryQuality

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