Intraverbal Training for Individuals with Autism: The Current Status of Multiple Control.

Tiffany Stauch, Kate LaLonde, Joshua B Plavnick, M Y Savana Bak, Kenzie Gatewood
Author Information
  1. Tiffany Stauch: Michigan State University, 620 Farm Lane, Erickson Hall room 447, East Lansing, MI 48824 USA. ORCID
  2. Kate LaLonde: Michigan State University, 620 Farm Lane, Erickson Hall room 447, East Lansing, MI 48824 USA.
  3. Joshua B Plavnick: Michigan State University, 620 Farm Lane, Erickson Hall room 447, East Lansing, MI 48824 USA.
  4. M Y Savana Bak: Michigan State University, 620 Farm Lane, Erickson Hall room 447, East Lansing, MI 48824 USA.
  5. Kenzie Gatewood: Michigan State University, 620 Farm Lane, Erickson Hall room 447, East Lansing, MI 48824 USA.


Teaching complex intraverbal responding to children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can be challenging and often requires careful programming. Divergent and convergent multiple control are particularly important elements to incorporate into intraverbal training programs, as well as procedures to ensure responding is under control of both discriminative and conditional vocal verbal stimuli. The current study systematically reviewed research articles on intraverbal training methods for individuals with ASD published and available from 2005 to 2016. The purpose of the review was to assess the extent to which divergent and convergent control was incorporated into training and to determine whether systematic instruction ensured correct verbal conditional discriminations. Thirty-six studies met inclusion criteria and were included in this reviewed. A total of 5 studies taught intraverbal responding under divergent control and 21 taught responding under convergent control. Two studies sufficiently described procedures to ensure accurate verbal conditional discriminations across trials. The results highlight the need for additional research on systematic teaching procedures for complex intraverbal repertoires.



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Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0controlintraverbalrespondingconvergenttrainingproceduresconditionalverbalstudiescomplexspectrumdisorderASDDivergentensurereviewedresearchdivergentsystematicdiscriminationstaughtIntraverbalTeachingchildrenautismcanchallengingoftenrequirescarefulprogrammingmultipleparticularlyimportantelementsincorporateprogramswelldiscriminativevocalstimulicurrentstudysystematicallyarticlesmethodsindividualspublishedavailable20052016purposereviewassessextentincorporateddeterminewhetherinstructionensuredcorrectThirty-sixmetinclusioncriteriaincludedtotal521TwosufficientlydescribedaccurateacrosstrialsresultshighlightneedadditionalteachingrepertoiresTrainingIndividualsAutism:CurrentStatusMultipleControlAutismConvergent

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