Fluorescence-Encoded Infrared Spectroscopy: Ultrafast Vibrational Spectroscopy on Small Ensembles of Molecules in Solution.

Lukas Whaley-Mayda, Samuel B Penwell, Andrei Tokmakoff
Author Information
  1. Lukas Whaley-Mayda: Department of Chemistry, James Franck Institute, and Institute for Biophysical Dynamics , The University of Chicago , Chicago , Illinois 60637 , United States.
  2. Samuel B Penwell: Department of Chemistry, James Franck Institute, and Institute for Biophysical Dynamics , The University of Chicago , Chicago , Illinois 60637 , United States.
  3. Andrei Tokmakoff: Department of Chemistry, James Franck Institute, and Institute for Biophysical Dynamics , The University of Chicago , Chicago , Illinois 60637 , United States. ORCID


Fluorescence-encoded infrared (FEIR) spectroscopy is an ultrafast technique that uses a visible pulse to up-convert information about IR-driven vibrations into a fluorescent electronic population. Here we present an updated experimental approach to FEIR that achieves high sensitivity through confocal microscopy, high repetition rate excitation, and single-photon counting. We demonstrate the sensitivity of our experiment by measuring ultrafast vibrational transients and Fourier transform spectra of increasingly dilute solutions of a coumarin dye. We collect high-quality data at 40 μM (∼2 orders of magnitude below the limit for conventional IR) and make measurements down to the 10-100 nM range (∼5 orders of magnitude) before background signals become overwhelming. At 10 nM we measure the average number of molecules in the focal volume to be ∼20 using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. This level of sensitivity opens up the possibility of performing fluctuation correlation vibrational spectroscopy or-with further improvement-single-molecule measurements.

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0spectroscopysensitivityFEIRultrafasthighvibrationalordersmagnitudemeasurementsnMcorrelationFluorescence-encodedinfraredtechniqueusesvisiblepulseup-convertinformationIR-drivenvibrationsfluorescentelectronicpopulationpresentupdatedexperimentalapproachachievesconfocalmicroscopyrepetitionrateexcitationsingle-photoncountingdemonstrateexperimentmeasuringtransientsFouriertransformspectraincreasinglydilutesolutionscoumarindyecollecthigh-qualitydata40μM∼2limitconventionalIRmake10-100range∼5backgroundsignalsbecomeoverwhelming10measureaveragenumbermoleculesfocalvolume∼20usingfluorescencelevelopenspossibilityperformingfluctuationor-withimprovement-single-moleculeFluorescence-EncodedInfraredSpectroscopy:UltrafastVibrationalSpectroscopySmallEnsemblesMoleculesSolution

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