Advanced Patient-Centered Communication for Health Behavior Change: Motivational Interviewing Workshops for Medical Learners.

Kathryn Brogan Hartlieb, Brett Engle, Vivian Obeso, Maryse A Pedoussaut, Lisa J Merlo, David R Brown
Author Information
  1. Kathryn Brogan Hartlieb: Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities, Health and Society, Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine, Florida International University.
  2. Brett Engle: Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities, Health and Society, Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine, Florida International University.
  3. Vivian Obeso: Associate Professor of Medicine, Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine, Florida International University.
  4. Maryse A Pedoussaut: Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities, Health and Society, Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine, Florida International University.
  5. Lisa J Merlo: Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Florida College of Medicine.
  6. David R Brown: Associate Professor, Department of Humanities, Health and Society, Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine, Florida International University.


INTRODUCTION: Medical settings are critical access points for behavior change counseling, and lifestyle behavior change is considered a key component of chronic disease management. The Association of American Medical Colleges recommends that future physicians be competent in shared decision making and patient-centered behavioral guidance to prevent illness and improve patient self-management of chronic disease. Motivational interviewing (MI) is a patient-centered, directive method of communication to enhance behavior change. Specific teachable strategies underlie the collaborative MI communication style that aims to reduce discord and build motivation for change.
METHODS: We present our three-session 12-hour MI curriculum as an advanced form of patient-centered communication. Each session includes presession assignment, large-group interactive lecture, and small-group activities for practice. An interdisciplinary team consisting of medical educators and health behavior change research-educators who are also members of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers created the submission. The purpose of this resource is to provide medical educators with a short curriculum that incorporates materials and learning activities to promote skill in MI.
RESULTS: In addition to positive feedback from student evaluations including the areas of relevance to training and self-rated skills improvement, preliminary pre- and posttraining scores from the medical students show significant improvement in expression of empathy and the ratio of reflections to questions.
DISCUSSION: Implementation of the curriculum allows learners the opportunity to practice evidence-based communication that promotes intrinsic motivation for health behavior change in patients, a key treatment focus in chronic disease management.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0changebehaviorMotivationalMIcommunicationMedicalchronicdiseasepatient-centeredcurriculummedicalInterviewingkeymanagementmotivationactivitiespracticeeducatorshealthimprovementAdvancedCommunicationHealthBehaviorINTRODUCTION:settingscriticalaccesspointscounselinglifestyleconsideredcomponentAssociationAmericanCollegesrecommendsfuturephysicianscompetentshareddecisionmakingbehavioralguidancepreventillnessimprovepatientself-managementinterviewingdirectivemethodenhanceSpecificteachablestrategiesunderliecollaborativestyleaimsreducediscordbuildMETHODS:presentthree-session12-houradvancedformsessionincludespresessionassignmentlarge-groupinteractivelecturesmall-groupinterdisciplinaryteamconsistingresearch-educatorsalsomembersNetworkTrainerscreatedsubmissionpurposeresourceprovideshortincorporatesmaterialslearningpromoteskillRESULTS:additionpositivefeedbackstudentevaluationsincludingareasrelevancetrainingself-ratedskillspreliminarypre-posttrainingscoresstudentsshowsignificantexpressionempathyratioreflectionsquestionsDISCUSSION:Implementationallowslearnersopportunityevidence-basedpromotesintrinsicpatientstreatmentfocusPatient-CenteredChange:WorkshopsLearnersSkillsChangeConversations

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