Multi-Genome Annotation with AUGUSTUS.

Stefanie Nachtweide, Mario Stanke
Author Information
  1. Stefanie Nachtweide: Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Greifswald, Walther-Rathenau-Straße 47, 17487, Greifswald, Germany.
  2. Mario Stanke: Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Greifswald, Walther-Rathenau-Straße 47, 17487, Greifswald, Germany.


Comparing multiple related genomes can help to improve their structural annotation. The accuracy and consistency of the predicted exon-intron structures of the protein coding genes can be higher when considering all genomes at once rather than annotating one genome at a time.The comparative gene prediction algorithm of AUGUSTUS performs such a multi-genome annotation. A multiple alignment of genomes is used to exploit evolutionary clues to conservation and negative selection. Further, AUGUSTUS exploits the fact that orthologous genes typically have congruent exon-intron structures. Comparative AUGUSTUS simultaneously predicts the genes in all input genomes. In this chapter we walk the reader through a small example from eight vertebrate species, including the construction of an alignment of the input genomes and how to integrate RNA-Seq evidence from multiple species for gene finding.


MeSH Term

Computational Biology
Databases, Genetic
Evolution, Molecular
Molecular Sequence Annotation
Sequence Analysis, RNA
User-Computer Interface

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0genomesAUGUSTUSgenesmultipleannotationcanexon-intronstructuresgenepredictionalignmentComparativeinputspeciesRNA-SeqComparingrelatedhelpimprovestructuralaccuracyconsistencypredictedproteincodinghigherconsideringratherannotatingonegenometimeThecomparativealgorithmperformsmulti-genomeusedexploitevolutionarycluesconservationnegativeselectionexploitsfactorthologoustypicallycongruentsimultaneouslypredictschapterwalkreadersmallexampleeightvertebrateincludingconstructionintegrateevidencefindingMulti-GenomeAnnotationgenomicsGeneGenomeProtein-coding

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