A Novel Culinary Medicine Course for Undergraduate Medical Education.

Michelle E Hauser
Author Information
  1. Michelle E Hauser: Internal Medicine-Obesity Medicine, Palo Alto Veterans Affairs Health Care System, Palo Alto, California.


Traditional nutrition education in medical school has been inadequate to prepare future physicians to counsel patients on practical dietary changes that can prevent and treat food-related disease. Culinary medicine is being used to address this in a variety of settings, including medical education. The Teaching Kitchen Elective for Medical Students at Stanford University School of Medicine spans 1 academic quarter and combines hands-on cooking of food that is delicious and healthy, correlations with multiple clinical specialties, and role-playing real-life examples of brief dietary counseling with patients to make nutrition education practical and approachable. The course has been run as a quasi-randomized controlled study comparing 3 cohorts of students versus wait-listed controls via precourse and postcourse surveys. Preliminary analysis of the first cohort of students shows significant improvements in attitudes, knowledge, and behaviors around healthy cooking and meal planning for the students compared with controls. Despite these promising preliminary results, more resources are needed to be able to hold the course frequently enough to meet student demand.



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  1. T32 HL007034/NHLBI NIH HHS

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0educationnutritionmedicalcookingstudentspatientspracticaldietaryCulinarymedicineMedicalMedicinehealthycoursecontrolsTraditionalschoolinadequatepreparefuturephysicianscounselchangescanpreventtreatfood-relateddiseaseusedaddressvarietysettingsincludingTeachingKitchenElectiveStudentsStanfordUniversitySchoolspans1academicquartercombineshands-onfooddeliciouscorrelationsmultipleclinicalspecialtiesrole-playingreal-lifeexamplesbriefcounselingmakeapproachablerunquasi-randomizedcontrolledstudycomparing3cohortsversuswait-listedviaprecoursepostcoursesurveysPreliminaryanalysisfirstcohortshowssignificantimprovementsattitudesknowledgebehaviorsaroundmealplanningcomparedDespitepromisingpreliminaryresultsresourcesneededableholdfrequentlyenoughmeetstudentdemandNovelCourseUndergraduateEducationculinaryteachingkitchen

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