Simultaneous Rupture of the Bladder and Pelvicaliceal System Because of Blunt Abdominal Trauma: A Rare Case.

Sarosh Janardanan, Ravindra Kulkarni, Nimalan Arumainayagam
Author Information
  1. Sarosh Janardanan: Department of Urology, Ashford and St Peter's NHS Trust Hospital, Chertsey, United Kingdom.
  2. Ravindra Kulkarni: Department of Urology, Ashford and St Peter's NHS Trust Hospital, Chertsey, United Kingdom.
  3. Nimalan Arumainayagam: Department of Urology, Ashford and St Peter's NHS Trust Hospital, Chertsey, United Kingdom.


We present a unique case of simultaneous rupture of the bladder and left renal pelvis after blunt trauma to the lower abdomen. To the best of our knowledge, this has not yet been reported in the literature. Another unusual aspect of this case was that the bladder rupture was bilateral, with both an extra- and intraperitoneal component. The management of this case was challenging. This involved an emergency laparotomy to repair the bladder tear, followed by a nephrostomy. This was followed by left ureteral stent insertion using a rendezvous technique. The case also highlights the role of expectant conservative management relating to the concurrent left renal pelvic rupture.



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  4. J Urol. 2014 Aug;192(2):327-35 [PMID: 24857651]

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0caserupturebladderleftrenalblunttraumamanagementfollowedrendezvouspresentuniquesimultaneouspelvislowerabdomenbestknowledgeyetreportedliteratureAnotherunusualaspectbilateralextra-intraperitonealcomponentchallenginginvolvedemergencylaparotomyrepairtearnephrostomyureteralstentinsertionusingtechniquealsohighlightsroleexpectantconservativerelatingconcurrentpelvicSimultaneousRuptureBladderPelvicalicealSystemBluntAbdominalTrauma:RareCasepelvicalicealinjurystenting

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